Hey guys I would like some advice/thoughts in which direction I should build my team. I can still raise the levels on my black units and a few plats. I can AW some of the more important units like camilla/iris/katie. AWing the black units is very expensive so ive been putting it off. I do not have a second tank and since I have camilla/iris with 3 dupes I have not been in a rush to get chydis. Once I get the iris dupes to CC I will CR/SU her. I posses 3 rainbow spirits/ Legend stamp for april. I missed a few events from october to february.

This is my usual team that I use. Sometimes i swap in a calliope, sandra, memento, or bronze mincost soldier.

I plan to raise dahlia to give me a valkyrie that i can withdraw early that is not clissa; clissa has great staying power and self reliant gatekeeper. I have a few plats/golds that I do not use. I just got the mia/fuuka/victoria/yuyu.

I have a few dupe silvers/bad golds that I have not raised. bernard or garrett for second tank option, though tbh I have not needed a second tank because of clissa/karma.

cc60 Iris 3X dupes
cc41 Robert 2x dupes
30 Elaine 6x dupes
30 Greenhorn 4x dupes
30 Misha 3x dupes
30 Stella 4x dupes; rip summon rate increase.

