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  1. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
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    u have nanaly. U don't need bashira. As for's a shame since her buff is great for nanaly , but victoria can play a similar role. In those regards u lucked out with your rolls.

    Anya is not a priority either. Get your hat big (healer/archer/tank) first , then raise your ranged support and aoe dps (witches/mages) then your duelists (princesses/bandits)

    PS: i'd actually suggest to keep playing on our version , since it seems nutaku started picking up the pace in terms of events/revivals , and its a whole lot less confusing then starting on the jap version. Ofc , if you want to start at DMM , i suggest visiting the DMM subforum and asking for some help starting out. I'm sure people there can help you out
    Last edited by lolix; 04-08-2017 at 05:46 PM.

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