Thank you for the guide! Beautiful work as always and I personally appreciate the comments you give for each unit, it really helps to understand them and their use.

Can't say I am going to go mad trying to perfect Pippin, not even for the sake of cuteness. She does not seem like a unit you would field early so even min-costing her would take a backseat from me trying to get other units done. I also really dislike her skill awakening despite how powerful it is. Any SAW (or even skill in some cases) that over rides a units' inherent class characteristics is a fault for me. Sort of like how Samurai can attack multiple blocked units but certain SAW's drop their block to one, kind of defeats what makes them special in the first place.

Lastly Alicia. Ah Alicia, the unit I will never get along side Sapphires. Breaks a collectors heart it does.