Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
Sometimes i wonder if we talk about different cost efficencies, like the cost of energy it takes for you to push the button to do the map, in that case then definitely the 62cha map is a lot better. Please do at least SOME research that doesn't just include "the level of this unit is higher than these ones, therefore it is better!"

I'll put down the numbers, very nicely, without adding drop rates:
62 charisma gives you... 1340 exp if all units drop.
52 charisma gives you... 1190 exp if all units drop.

Now, this gives a exp efficiency of 21,6 vs 22,8 respectively in exp per charisma. This assumes both drop rates are the same, and since petite came out with the 52 map on top i assume it has better drops. Feel free to prove me wrong by running the maps a few times to tell me the difference (i'd like at least 50-100 runs for a "decent" comparison).
Just wanted to note that leveling with higher units its cheaper than with lower ones (you need less units). So, for the comparison sake, this cost and the amount of gold earned in those maps could also be interesting.