Hi, i also need some advice:

1. I have Gellius (full/max cost, skill 1/5 ) and Bernice ( -2 cr, skill 2/5, and 1 additional copy of her to feed her...)
Who should i awake and make my main tank?
2. Should i skill-awake Olivie? There were situations in the past where i was using her as tank by deploying her next to physical 'boss' and instantly using her skill, so that 5s of initial cooldown after saw are pretty big downside for that kind of use.
3. Should i skill-awake Anya? (i don't have 2)
4. If i remember correctly - there was once event that was boosting summoning whith pieces of crystal (don't confuse with sacred crystals). I have 233 - should i wait for that kind of event, or should i just spend them now?
5. I was blessed by getting 2 Nanalys. One is AW-83-saw, and another - CC'd-80-s1/5. Should i use weaker to -1cr first one, or AW second one? (I also have AW-80-s4/5, -1cr Spica)
6. I have one AW'd healer - Chydis. Which healer should i aw next - gold Iris (-2cr) or Fedora (-1cr)?
7. Vampire Hunters - Vincent vs Fran?

BTW, i am 'free' player.

Pls, tell me what you think and share helpful info. 1st issue is corrently most important for me.