the rarity is in general a pretty good sign of which unit is stronger then the others. Sure , there are plenty of units that spike higher then their rarity , but in general , most tend to follow the rule

That being said , in my experience (since i actually have an aw jessica) , i can tell you from the start that the AW passive is pretty underrated. Thr ability to fire 2 shots 1 after the other can be a huge burst of damage.

On a side note , lyche gets a permanent boost in terms of hp (and a huge one at that) , that will make her tankier in terms of hp (she still has less armor tho ) then jessica at max level by around 200 hp. She also has around 80-90 less base damage , as well as her passive being defensive instead of offense.

So statwise , Jessica outclasses lyche in terms of everything except hp.

As for their future SAWs , jessica gets attack increases by 1.7x, and range by 1.3x. Projectiles are faster.

Lyche entirely abandonds offense , and gets tankier (For 40 seconds, defense increases by 1.8x. HP gradually recovers (15HP/0.5s)
, which honestly doesn't seem that great to me. Sure , she will make a decent tank , but there are better options in general

Ofc , the thing with lyche is that you can buff her with either Olivie or Sherry , and she is cheaper to level since she is a gold.

Overall jessica is quite a bit better IMO.

PS: i also have anelia. She is one of my favorite units actually. Raise her asap
Sophie is also great. All in all u got pretty good rolls