yes. After cc , you gain extra levels of stats + the ability to max a unit's affection (at max affection , it gives an extra bonus) , on top of her gaining extra range , and a new better skill (increase heal 1 becomes increase heal 2). There is also the fact that the increase healing during skill usage is % of her attack. So higher attack means a higher % increase.

So let's take an iris for example : at level 50 , non cc , she heals for 192+45(at 50 aff) = 237. During skill usage (assuming you didn't raised her skill at all - which you shouldn't since her skill changes after cc anyway) , she will heal 237 + 10%. That means 260.

At max level after cc , she heals 320+108 from aff = 428. From the base stats she outheals a non cc-ed iris even during her skill usage , by quite a bit. During skill , she will heal 1.2x (assuming skill level 1) , so that's 428 + 86 = 514 , and that';s at a longer range as well.
That's close to double. Assume you raise her skill (the skill can go till 1.7x) , and it's a load more.

So yeah , cc-ing units is really recomanded.

Also , i suggest you google aigis wiki. You can see the stats of all the units there , as well as their awakening stats (and passive) and skill awakenings if there's the case.

If you scroll down the page , you might also see comments about the performance of said unit from people that have them