Ok , let me explain because i get the feeling that you missunderstand me. I'm not arguing just for the sake of arguing or because i hate witches (which is not true actually. 1 of my most wanted units right now is adele , but that's besides the point ).

The fact that he has 3 witches (2 aw-ed at that) made me think that they are not that high of a priority in general , which is why i looked at the other source of magic dps : summoners/mages - something he actually lacks , and that;s the reason i recomanded sasha.

And its obvious witches will beat mages in dps for single targets. Add in more targets and they are not even close tho.

And if we're excluding blacks (which as i said , it's the most obvious answer ) , i'd still raise other units before fignelia , not because she is a bad unit per se , but because he doesn't need another witch at the moment , and the difference between a belinda or yuyu and a fignelia won't be a game changer for him even if he'd raised her asap.

I mean sure , it;s a witch with increase attack and good base stats , so her actual damage will be quite a bit higher...but i get the feeling that people underestimate the effects of a unit with slow and increase range. That means she starts slowing from a longer distance and also keeps slowing to a longer distance. Assuming you will have other dps in the area , this combination will win in terms of pure damage because it can keep the enemies under your fire for a longer time.
From that point of view , he doesn't necesarily needs another witch.

As i said , he has a crapload of broken stuff there. Even if we exclude the blacks , he has elizabeth and sherry and sasha and anelia , which are all units that i personally would awaken before fignelia.