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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
    ...if Sherry gets killed...
    I use a nearly identical set up (except I tank "SkullGreymon"(lol) w/ AW Rowanna) I gank the pumpkin king w/ Aw 39 Sherry and to survive and kill him all she needs is Eterna's skill activated and a healer (CC60 Fedora for me) replacing monica. I activate monica's skill to help kill the last enemies on her side before I withdraw her.

    Draco usually gets a hit on Sherry before I get fedora placed but she always survives, and I don't have Iris (CC60) placed before he engages Rowanna in hand-to-hand.(the first time I did and 3* it but every time after he killed her before switching to melee, not sure why? So now I wait to place her and I don't think I even need her really?)

    Point is if you place sherry ON Pumpkin king, not before and activate Eterna's skill she should survive (with help from your AW Iris and/or maybe Chydis w/ her ability active and/or any healer replacing monica). Also activate Sherry skill asap to kill a little quicker.
    Last edited by anonanonanon; 09-02-2017 at 12:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by anonanonanon View Post
    the first time I did and 3* it but every time after he killed her before switching to melee, not sure why? So now I wait to place her and I don't think I even need her really?
    This is because Dracorich will not change to melee mid-ranged attack, but he does change targets if someone new is placed in range before he completes it. The first time you placed her, you'd done so you placed her before he began a ranged attack, probably placing her as he was walking forward to the position. After that you timed it to place her while he was in the middle of his ranged attack animation, which has a somewhat long pre-attack portion, and so he finished said ranged attack before swapping to melee.

  3. #3

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    Sandra darling, you're looking the other way

  4. #4
    90/12 actually bested me with repeated 1 star a good 10 times. If it wasn't my second-rate feng shui/healer not being able to pull her own weight or me forgetting to switch Eterna to healing, Draco would run the paralysis chains so fast that I couldn't recover in time. Eventually I got so frustrated with it that I went out of my way to AW Thetis and threw her in front of it (even that got dicey since her defense barely holds at AW lv30 but it worked out in the end).

    All in all the event's been a good reminder to me at least that I still need to push for AW on some classes/roles otherwise I'm gonna have a nasty struggle against the more situational battles.

  5. #5

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    finally 3 star it after 18 runs LOL

    Run 8 18.PNG

    at least, the farming was good - almost halfway to 1400

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  6. #6

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    They fixed the drop on the second mission, if remember correctly it used to drop Elaine (and around that time the L word was tabú)

  7. #7
    Tony Guest
    So, considering we got a revival the same time as this, should I spend time trying to min-cost Charlotte (who is sitting at a very bulky 19 UP) or push my best with a no SC use item collection, giving me an approximate -3 cost Eterna?

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
    finally 3 star it after 18 runs LOL

    Run 8 18.PNG

    at least, the farming was good - almost halfway to 1400

    vs 586.PNG
    min cost isnt realy important for her, if you aim for 1400 you should aim for 1500 for max skill if u want to skill AW her. Otherwise everything over 700 is solid enough honestly

  9. #9

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    only if you can actually get those 100 extra without wasting SCs. If you are going to use sc on them , it's probably better of to aim for 1400 and use a fairy for the last skill up....which is exactly what ill do because i've calculated my sc usage and natural regen to fit exactly on 1400 during the last day of the event

    No point in wasting scs as a freemium

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