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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaxer View Post
    No, there isn't.
    To be fair it's not their fault your internet fails or your browser crashes, it has happened to me on dailies with perfect drops and other maps with no drops whatsoever. It's frustrating but other than feel sad/mad there's nothing else to do for either part
    I can, however, blame them for making a game that, unlike others I've seen, doesn't play well with disconnects, plugin crashes, or whatever... even if nothing comes of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post
    While it isn't really helpful advice if you have an unexpected loss of internet, it's worth noting that the game will only actually check the internet once you finish the map, thus if you know you've been losing internet or are expecting issues when you, then you can pause the game just before the end to confirm your internet is not down at the moment, wait for it to come back/fixing it if it is, then complete the map.
    I can't be certain, but I seem to recall that pausing it is what I did. Didn't help.
    Personal favorites, by game:
    Millennium War Aigis (RIP): Liana
    Girls Kingdom (RIP): Iris
    Dragon Tactics: Memories (RIP): Diske
    Brave Girl Ravens xR (RIP): Francette
    ...Most of the games I play on Nutaku end up getting taken down. Hmm.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by MalusCorvus View Post
    I can't be certain, but I seem to recall that pausing it is what I did. Didn't help.
    The measure I noted only works if you do it before completing the game and getting the error message. Hence why I noted it isn't particularly helpful if the internet loss is unexpected. However, that message will only pop up if the game actually tries to connect tot he internet, which does not occur mid game, only when loading the map and reporting the results. Thus if you avoid finishing the map, you can wait near indefinitely for the internet issue to be resolved, after which you can complete it and get the rewards.

    However, this requires knowing (or suspecting) your internet went down while you were playing, and since you're in the midst of playing, and that doesn't require the internet to work, you are unlikely to notice it stopped mid map. If you do notice it though, it can be helpful.

  3. #3
    and if u want to know in real time how is your internet doin create shortcut for "cmd" then write there "ping www.wizards.net -t" that ww... can be pretty much any server u know is stable and not rly on other side of the world.. check pic .. there u see replies for my net it ranges from ~190-260ms which is good and no loss packet (loss packet is line timed out) if u have mostly stable range without loss packets net is good,, spikes and more and more timed outs means bad net "risky to play" continuous timed outs net is most likely down
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  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    I only discovered this recently but all is not lost!!!!

    If you encounter this server error screen, just leave the game up until your connection is reestablished. Keep clicking OK from time to time until it goes through!

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