So I am a relatively new player; I'd heard of the game before but it took me a while to decide to look into it and give it a go. I've been decently enjoying myself so far (I've always had a thing for Tower Defense type games), but now its getting to the point where I figure some possible advice on my current team (and units I might want to put on my team). Currently having troubles passing the desert campaigns, specifically Base Scramble 1. Those damn mummies hurt, and even following some YouTube guides I've found I've not managed to even 1 star it yet. Not sure if this is merely a unit level problem or a team composition problem, so I figured I'd swallow my pride and see what other esteemed players thought; I've managed to make it well enough just winging it by myself.


This is what my primary team consists of right now. The one thing I'm not entirely sure of is having two Priestess Warriors, but I mainly have Ellet just for the extra blocking potential for her cost.

MWA2.png MWA3.pngMWA3.png

The other two files are simply units I do have in reserve. Not entirely sure which ones are good and which ones are not so much; I've been mainly adding units to my team based upon how much I like them and loosely following the new player guide on here. If you have anything else to add, please, I'm all ears.