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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
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    jesus christ , silvia looks broken

  2. #2
    silvia has 4500 health 550 attack 680 defense + magic defense. A skill that boost attack, defend and activates a self heal. 20 unit points and that all before awakening... i see nothing wrong here just a average unit.

  3. #3
    Silvia is ridonkulous. She smashes anything that can't chew through two layers of damage mitigation fast enough to overcome her sustain and the list of enemies who can't do that becomes hilariously large if the map is long enough to activate her skill 3 times. Oh, and she makes a token clone of herself so even the risk averse can enjoy how stupidly good she is.

    Still not as broken as Lapis though.
    Last edited by kayfabe; 09-13-2017 at 09:55 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
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    lapis seems like a great buffer , even tho i don't exactly understand how her class attacks. Is her attack like....creating a force field that drains life while in it ? If that's the case , it depends on how fast it ticks , because i don't see it being that broken otherwise.

    As for her buffs , i have a uzume (which buffs all units by 5% from her passive and 20% during her skill) , so i can understand how that works and it is good , but seeing how it is limited to only units that are in her range , i don';t think it;s that OP

  5. #5
    It's all about thresholds, dude. Lapis's attack steroid is "only" twice as strong as what Uzume does but that's a big enough difference that shit gets thoroughly crushed. It makes it extremely hard for the devs to design maps around the assumption that they want to challenge Lapis owners but not bone people who don't have her. I can easily imagine a future where she's a default anniversary ticket selection alongside Black Iris because high tier content just kind of assumes you can do that bullshit. The alternative is that she continues smashing maps.

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    A comment on the attack speed page of DMM wiki says that for Demon Summoners, they tick for 1/10th of their Atk every 0.1 seconds. So overall, they inflict their Atk every second.

  7. #7
    It also ignores a lot of mechanics beyond just being true damage. For example, it kills shit right through damage reflection and untargetable for some dumb ass reason.

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