Yea, in my case, I've recently rolled Sakuya. I like her design a lot. But I sit back and think about the investment it'd take to get her to the point of providing new functionality. What she could offer that a Bernice I recently awakened and leveled back up to ~59 can't do.
Or what she could offer that would improve my army's capabilities moreso than putting those same resources elsewhere. Maybe level up Chydis more? Or Sera? Maybe level up Chloe more if I want a cheaper melee that can hit multiple dudes at once? Awaken and level up Odette? Awaken and level up Lucille if I want that expensive beefy duelist? Or Lolonee as another duelist option? And if we get any solid/interesting event plats in the near future, that's more competition for plat fairies/tin cans.