Ugh, apparently there's a post on nutaku's blog that goes into a bit more detail about Aigis' closure, but one thing that got me particularly mad for some reason was the fact that the main reason for the closure was the lack of profit. Now while that is a good reason for closure, I couldn't help but think back on Aigis' history, back to the point where that Dragon Slayer Princess Claudia event came out, which is when I started.

Other than the support pack, I can't think of a time where Aigis enticed players to pay for in-game content, via deals or what not. On the contrary, the lackluster updates have actually pushed players away into the arms of the DMM side, if memory serves correctly. Also, along with the lackluster updates, I have never seen any attempt to get new players into the game via campaigns or something. God knows if that Black Ticket thing would've helped lure in new players.

All together, it makes me thing that despite the game being kept around after those talks between Nutaku and the devs, the later had no intention of keeping the game alive. If they wanted to, I bet we would've seen a lot more attempts to get ppl to spend money other than the support pack.

Honestly, Aigis looks like another game that needs a reboot release to start fresh, too much bungling over the years has soured the experience and driven away players who now directly pay them instead. Heh, it actually sounds like a conspiracy, have english players be given a bad experience, then lure them to a better version on their native platform so they pay there instead.

P.S. I also think the lack of interaction between the Devs and the player played a role. I mean, from what I've seen on the other side, the devs interact with their native playerbase quite often, while players here seem to be treated like unwanted aliens or something.