*Excuse my poor english banner*

I'm very late but : DMM is pretty insane... As a F2P, i played 2years on nutaku for 1black & 4plat. On DMM after only 1 month, the game is saying me "don't cry, take this black units" XD. SC are raining with daily revivals, 2black tickets free, anti bad-luck spree all that, i have 4 black & 7plat units. That's insane. I "just" have to awake everyone and this account will become stronger than the nutaku one. Progression is like 4/5times faster on DMM. I'm not a guy who like restarting something, i'm oftenly ragequit games when i've a crash without save XD. But here, in France we're saying "le jeu en vaut la chandelle" which means : it's worth to try 'cause DMM is reaaaaaaaaaaaaally cool with new players.