Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
So, I am seeking another good tower defense game with similarly high quality gameplay, and high retention / replayability. Middle-to-low need to grind would be appreciated, and low time necessary to spend on it daily would be a godsend. Versatile strategy and good "tower" variability would also be plus.
Though my recommendation isn't a tower defense. Though you do have to defend your base and prevent any hostiles or even friendly npcs from capturing it. That would be the Visual Novel: Kamidori. Unless you already played it since it's been out and the quality is amazing. For the grind, the Deadbeat Dungeon in Kamidori for EXP and burst of gold for the first time you visit each area of that dungeon. For farming gold, the shop system is quick, easy and painless. Though the farming for materials to make items to sell might take one hour to beat a chapter is fine.