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  1. #91

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    Quote Originally Posted by anon4232 View Post
    I'm starting to think you don't understand what is awakening. Awakening doesn't raise complexity. Its opposite: awakening lets you clear these god-tier maps WITHOUT cheat units like Karma. So if you are like me who missed all of them, you should be advocating for AW coming as soon as possible, so we would be able to clear stuff with just plats/golds.
    U realize that post awakening events become harder and harder with time? Do you know how hard is to awaken even 1 unit ? And if we keep getting event after event , like that , i'm not sure we will all be ready when the hard ones hit
    Last edited by lolix; 11-27-2015 at 06:15 AM.

  2. #92

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    For me, the kind of characters I'd like to see are small breasted ones. Flat is justice!

    I'm ok with loli, but I don't see that happening anyways.
    No, you know what. Add the freaking lolis.
    Last edited by Lag; 11-27-2015 at 06:37 AM.

  3. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    U realize that post awakening events become harder and harder with time? Do you know how hard is to awaken even 1 unit ? And if we keep getting event after event , like that , i'm not sure we will all be ready when the hard ones hit
    1. Events are already here. They will not go "no event" again after all that massive backlash from summer. While going with full-time revivals instead could be viable strategy, revivals are designed to be major money source for Aigis (spent 40 SC on Anya revival going on DMM right now, and will spend more, because 100% drop rate for omni fairy is too awesome to miss)
    2. I have 8 AW-ready units right now, 300 DC stored up, 2.5 mil gold, and tons of silvers. Orb maps look hard but they aren't, already did them on DMM with much worse team than what I have on nutaku now, so at least for me there's nothing hard about it, I could AW 3 units same week it goes live, and demon crystals is only real problem for me to awaken more.

  4. #94

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    and that's you. Not everyone here is nearly close enough for that. Consider that there are a lot of people that aren't spenders....or big spenders , and can't exactly keep up with your pace. Sure , i agree that nutaku should make money , but bringing a couple revivals before implementing 1 orf the biggest changes to the game doesn't sounds THAT much to ask.

  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    Consider that there are a lot of people that aren't spenders....or big spenders , and can't exactly keep up with your pace.
    I've spent 50$ total on Nutaku Aigis, doing premium rolls, and Cellia was only unit I got out of it (fsckin' 6 copies of Kerry, I'm still salty). Raising units and accumulating resources was done exclusively from free stuff (lots and lots of manual dragon hunt grinding, ugh), so spending has nothing to do with AW-readiness.
    And I'm quite new player, starting at the end of Karma event, so yes, pretty much everyone is at least at this level or better if they bothered to spend their charisma during big break.

  6. #96

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    Hm, considering how two Nutaku games has gotten English-exclusive characters now, it looks like they DO want to hear what original (as in, not DMM) content we'd like to see in Aigis, even if it would be harder to implement unit here compared to cards in other games...
    With that in mind, my dreams are:
    1. Loli units. Every badass needs one (or ten). I would really like to see them treated as they should, H-scenes and all, but if they implement them as their own kind, gaining bonus stats from items separate from gifts (as females should) or alcohol - les'say from Toys - with conversations at affection milestones, I'd be okay'ish with that.
    2. Monstergirls. Kemonomimi are cool, but actual hybrids would be way too awesome to miss. And on a (un)related tangent, furries. Not my cup of tea, but such creatures have their own fanbase and could draw in new players. (But I'd reeeally rather see MWA stay consistent in art department).

    Both would open way to an exclusive (or even backported! XD) events, telling their little stories. I really like the implications of current Ada event's story, and would love to see racial relationships in the wake of monster invasion explored more, to which monstergirls lend themselves quite readily. And lolis - well, they are so awesome you could tell any story you want with them, from cutesy and romantic to serious and dramatic, so yeah :P

    It would also be interesting to see more interplay between our haremettes, as hard it would be to account for everybody's diverse lineups. Hm, Bashira, completion silver and drill gold units are sure to be in everybody's collection, so there's that path, and rarer ones can be drops from the event, with event maps being framed as sort of their recollection on how they met with prince...

    Generally, I'd like to see more lore, so more dialogues between the maps, and more conversations with our waifus slash comrades would be nice to see. At least, can you please see to implement a window with unit's brief bio at their detail screen. Maybe even expanding, dependent on unit's affection level...

    ЗЫ. For event types, being new player I most liked the farm ones, as they are only ones underpowered player had a chance to get his hands on an event heroine)

  7. #97
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    Hm, considering how two Nutaku games has gotten English-exclusive characters now, it looks like they DO want to hear what original (as in, not DMM) content we'd like to see in Aigis, even if it would be harder to implement unit here compared to cards in other games...
    At this point, Angelic Saga will be getting more Nutaku exclusives since the DMM version is closing and the dev team is focusing on this version.

  8. Had to take some time to think (also to not repeat what people have said for 10 pages) so here's stuff I thought

    What I would want
    1. Replacement for the loli units
    Either have Nutaku exclusive characters to replace them with the same stats and skills or give them at least a small noticeable chest ala Phyllis or Sybilla or whatever caused Shiho to pass (I want to say it was her large ass for her small frame shown in her awakened art other than her being an event unit not a giveaway unit). We have no way of getting Mischa or Nenya since they are event exclusive otherwise and missing out on a unit as others have mentioned is quite critical in this game as opposed to other DMM games since thats certain strategies we are unable to preform.

    2. More variety of monster girls
    From a character set I saw for Aigis (before it was taken down at e-Hentai) I noticed a lack of monster girls that weren't catgirls or dragon girls, would be neat to have slime girls (High physical defense takes extra damage from Magic attacks) or harpies (can act similar to enemy Dragons). Maybe possibly some spirits that can battle instead of being fodder to increase EXP.

    3. Higher resolution character sprites
    No offense to the spriter, but the sprites are really small and could be a bit bigger for more detail. I'm not asking for BlazBlue size sprites (those are too huge) at the very least the size of Disgaea 4+ HD sprites so we can see more of the characters details. I'm sure everyone would love an HD Conrad sprite.

    4. Lower the recharge time for Charisma
    I mainly play Lord of Valkyrie which recovers 1 Stamina/Force per minute (which has kept me playing it compared to other games with long cooldowns) shortening the cooldown from 1 Charisma per 3 minutes to 2 minutes would be a nice change to give us more time to level units/money grind.

    What I look forward to
    As for stuff others have already asked for plenty of times the Desert maps so we can have a better map for EXP, I'm sure a lot of us can do those maps (since Immortal Beast isn't required so I've heard) and some Gold Rushes would be nice since I lack Gold units.

    What I enjoyed
    The addition of Commission Sortie helps alleviate the stress of going through a lot of Charisma manually which I dreaded leveling up prior to its addition so I have more time for my console games. Solanos Star Trial is the only one I've tried and I liked it since it gave me a nice break and I didn't have to rely on some kind of RNG for Skill Upgrade/Cost Reduction (Farm event) or getting the best possible drops (Item Collection event) for the event unit so getting that perfect Solano felt satisfying.

    I was going to add give more ways to get male affection items, but after being able to do the H map we kinda don't need if you have 2 Bronze Archers and 2 Mages + the Prince to beat it.
    Last edited by Buster Wolf; 11-29-2015 at 11:36 PM. Reason: Additional stuff

  9. Warning here be opinions!

    Events: Early on they were at best a month apart, but after the ‘Mystic Sorcery incident’ they pretty much went into overdrive by coming one after another. Now while some people may like this, I do want to say that to a degree I preferred it better when we had some breathing room between events.

    To a degree.

    Considering events are coming to us much faster than before, it shows whatever problems were causing keeping the downtime between events to be so long, if there were any, have been resolved enough that we are getting four events or so within a month’s time. However what this doesn’t allow us is time to farm resources we may need, primarily affection items (and demon crystals especially. I weep for you free Bashira that was out of my reach).

    So in this case, I’d ask for atleast a week that is event free, that way we can atleast do dailies or scrounge up affection items for the next event unit. However, if this is what its supposed to be like normally for MWA, and we just have to balance the spending of stamina between events and dailies then I have another solution: alternate between farming/collection events with star rushes.

    Example: Unit Farm > Star Rush > Unit Farm > Star Rush > Item Collection.

    The unsung benefit to star rush events is that once you’ve completed the star requirement, during the rest of the event’s time you can do whatever you want, which includes doing dailies and doing challenge missions for affection item drops, which also happens to be the weakness of unit farming and item collection in that full dedication requires you to sacrifice time/stamina normally spent on those things. If done as the example, then we could have something that amounts to a break, since again, star rushes can allow for downtime when requirements have been completed.

    (Note: While I’m aware that there is also Gold Rush events, I’ve never participated in one to know how it works which does affect my opinion in that way. If informed that it works like Unit Farming/Item Collection, then act accordingly. If they act like Star Rushes, then we could use them like Star Rushes and have blocks like these: Unit Farm/Item Collection > Star Rush/Gold Rush.)

    While I’m on the topic of events: Revival events.

    I won’t be the first when saying I want certain events to come back (missed out on Belinda, Anya, and an at-minimum-Black Karma) and I certainly won’t be the last. However, in this case I share my decision on Awakening as seen below. However, I would factor revival events into the same event pattern as above, if they can be allowed to be their own standalone event, and if not I would gladly take the option to just have them being done over the weekend as opposed to coinciding with current events that we have to trudge through to get what we want.

    Units: Since every unit in MWA is set to stone based on the japanese parent, we have to work with what we’re given. This is a rather unfortunate case since the banks won’t allow for units that are considered ‘lolis’, which does cut down the events and silver units to those units not in that category. I have seen one solution here already that could work out possibly:

    just make H scenes like male scenes so u can add those lolis in game, later u can decide to modify them in the future and add H scenes for them if u want” -foxhound07

    Hello banks, we have found a way around you.

    If loli units just have the scenes they have in the ‘safe’ version of the game, then there would be no need to worry about loli unit implementation, event or silvers, because in this case we aren’t doing anything bad to them *coughhscenescough*.

    And if eventually MWA can get the banks off their backs, you can put in the H scenes like normal (though keep the safe scenes, there are more than one way to get to know my girls better than just the bedroom).

    Also on the subject of Awakening, just release it when its ready for the public to use, not when its half-baked and is full of more bugs than League of Legend’s Azir on release, it will save us all lots of grief (this also applies to revival events, since it would be unfair to overtax the people working on getting us all this content).

  10. #100
    Made an account just to make this post.

    The things I'd like to see most are:

    1. The background stories from all-ages Aegis, I'd like to learn more about the characters.
    2. Piggy-backing off 1, I'd love if they could bring the light novels I heard about here in some fashion (Even if it was just a digitally translated version, though I vastly prefer physical!).
    3. Gold rushes.

    If we're talking about ultimate wish-list content... I do like story stuff. Character bios, character interaction scenes, story missions that advance something resembling a plot. I realize this stuff isn't really a focus in these games but it's the kind of thing I'd like to see.

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