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  1. #1
    The levels of your general and the accessory they are equipped with. There is also a lab research that increases troop count by a percentage.

  2. #2
    so troop is hp? i see! and whats is Capacity + for général? and thx for this answer

  3. #3
    If you mean from the Expansion research it increases the number of generals you can have at the same time, just like upgrading the castle. Otherwise I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.

    You're welcome for what I was able to answer.

  4. #4
    ahhhh yep is thats , and is logic i am stupid ^^ so my skill "Légion" is lvl 21 , it is low no?

  5. #5
    Buildings go to at least 55, so I guess it is. I haven't researched much above 30 anyway, since it starts costing souls instead of hearts to do so.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkMonkGar View Post
    There is also a lab research that increases troop count by a percentage.
    Which level of Lab needed for this?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by SunLight View Post
    Which level of Lab needed for this?
    The wiki lists it as 9. It's been too long for me to be able to confirm that myself, but it is the fourth ability after the formations.

    Edit: Sorry, 5th ability. Didn't see healing for some reason.
    Last edited by DrunkMonkGar; 05-29-2017 at 05:56 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkMonkGar View Post
    The wiki lists it as 9. It's been too long for me to be able to confirm that myself, but it is the fourth ability after the formations.

    Edit: Sorry, 5th ability. Didn't see healing for some reason.
    Lol, i am stupid
    I thought, tech "Legion" affect on troop reserves in the barrack. Sure, it was 1st my day in the game, and i decided that this tech is not necessary for me. And still it at 4 level... Omg. How i did all that on the last week without troops?
    Simple, i never read again this tech description!
    But now i got great reserve for me I am almost happy.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Which formation used to defense in expedition?
    I mean - offense or defense. Or random?

    After few experiments i decided that is offense formation. And keep my generals in offense with calm heart.
    Strong players beat me periodically, and in battles was used my active generals (offense, while i doing campaign).
    But time to time in battle i see my defense formation (with 1 lowlevel general), and sick players loot my expedition.
    Incredible, i am turning my army to defense only for 1 hour at the end of arena, no more. Never, sure, last... week and more.

    How it possible, fights with offense formation, and other time with defense?
    Anybody know?

  9. #9
    Expedition is random, when you launch it it picks btw your current def or offensive team (so you can switch after, it won't change something for expedition). It's not really cool but see the good point: it's the same for everyone and so top players may be also looted

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Kamakiri View Post
    Expedition is random, when you launch it it picks btw your current def or offensive team (so you can switch after, it won't change something for expedition). It's not really cool but see the good point: it's the same for everyone and so top players may be also looted
    Today i especially experimented again and was again upset.
    First time i started expedition with weak army on def, and was looted weak player, sure.
    I didn't change the build at this time.
    After i set my strong army to def and started expedition again. And especially didt touch all the time. And what? My expedition was looted, and in the battle was offense army - weak.

    Random is good idea, but here is very bad random (this definition useful and for items upgrade, but it is "other story").
    Looks like random in expedition causes on every attack, and because you dont see unsuccessful attempts, attacks can be repeated while one attempt will not be resultative (with weak army or strong - if robber more powerfull).

    Have somebody any idea about that?

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