Quote Originally Posted by VortexMagus View Post
I don't think so. FKG is 5$ a pull for like a 0.8% chance of 6star, this game is 1$ a pull for a 1% chance of SSR or whatever, but you can use spare rares to build up to UR, unlike FKG where all your excess pulls are useless to you.
It seems too early to tell one way or the other, unless people with DMM experience care to chime in, and that's assuming the versions stay exactly the same.

On the one hand, it does seem easier to get the best rewards in BGR, but they can also be useless to you. Once you have played the game enough, SSRs of non-restricted girls will be useless except as the extra fodder piece, which you will eventually have plenty of. The rate of the unique girls is what will be the deciding factor. Also, unless you are able to pull a UR, you'll want two copies while a single FKG rainbow is perfectly adequate.

Beyond that, if this first BGR event is any indication, the game may be asking players to spend money on AP potions to max out their event girls while FKG does not. Without the constant level ups, is getting the SSR reward to get a UR in this event even possible? I guess they give away AP potions as well, but I don't know if it's enough to cover it.