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    Brave Girl Ravens FAQ

    Last updated Nov. 1st, 2016; I probably will not keep this up to date, so the information will become outdated.

    The answers represent the best understanding I could come up with in the short time the game has been out, and some things may not be the best advice since I have not played the DMM version and do not know what is coming.

    Hey all, just thought I would post some of the questions I often see, along with some information I have gathered. If anything is inaccurate feel free to correct me. Also, feel free to suggest things to add.

    Currently these questions are not organized in any particular way, I just wrote them in the order I thought of them.

    Thanks to ShinV for providing suggestions, corrections and additional information for various things such as the DP values, unit exchange same-kind bonuses, guilds, and more.

    Q: Can I view the Rosa scene again?
    A: No.

    Complaint: My game runs poorly.
    Response: You can try using Firefox with the Unity plugin, that seems to help a lot of people.

    Q: How do I unlock h scenes?
    A: You increase the affection of the units you have. The first scene unlocks at 20% affection and R rarity. The second scene unlocks at 100% affection and SSR rarity. Only unique units have scenes. In order to view the scene, you need to go to your chambers. Go to the home screen, find the scenario button, then go to chamber.

    Q: How do I increase the affection of my units?
    A: Gift items. Each character likes a specific type of gift, which boosts affection by 3% per gift. The rest of the gifts give 1%.

    Q: Where do I get gift items?
    A: You receive gifts from gift boxes. You get gift boxes as rewards from missions, and also by doing dailies.

    Q: Should I give gifts to [regular soldier] (or [exp]) units?
    A: No. As you play you will realize you do not want any regular soldiers in your party. Also, regular soldiers have no scenes to unlock from affection.

    Q: How do I review an old story scene?
    A: Go to the home screen, find the scenario button, then go to gallery memories. Note the unit and story tabs at the top. In the story tab, note that you can swap between "chapter" events and "event" events.

    Q: The game said I got a reward. Why do I not have it!?
    A: Check your warehouse / inventory. At the home screen, look for the warehouse button in the upper left. Also, check your presents. At the home screen, look for the bottom left button.

    Q: What are invite codes?
    A: Players can give out codes that give them small gifts when other players use them. Players entering the invite code may only do so once (despite it telling you that you may enter 7 of them). Apparently, the higher the level of the player giving out the invite code, the better the reward the person using the invite code may receive. However, most likely you will just get 1,000 silver. Do not get pressured to use someone's code.

    Q: What symbols are not usable in chat?
    A: Single quote / apostrophe ( ' ), ampersand ( & ), and angle brackets ( < and > ). These symbols will give you an error when you try to chat. There may be more.

    Quotation marks ( " ) seem to be removed from messages, and backslashes ( \ ) seem to be censored.

    Q: What do I do with funny medals / where is the funny medal vendor?
    A: In the mission screen, under "sub" missions, you can exchange your funny medals for affection items. Items are at a promotional price of 2 medals initially. Once you buy an item, that item type becomes available once daily for the price of 5 medals. When buying an item for the first time, you can buy it twice that day due to the initial promotional purchase, plus the daily purchase that unlocks after that.

    Q: What are [Regular Soldier] units?
    A: Regular soldiers are common units. They are weaker than unique units of the same rarity by a rather large amount. Ideally, your battle party will consist only of unique units. Until then, you can use regular soldiers to fill in the gaps in your party.

    Regular soldiers do not have h scenes. Regular soldiers cannot be used as the additional material to rank up uniques.

    [edit] With the upcoming mopping up feature, you may want to level up and rank up a bunch of regular soldiers of each color type. Apparently this is desirable in order to perform better in the battles by having full parties filled with one color each. I have no idea about the truth of this, someone experienced with the DMM version will have to verify.

    Q: What are [Exp] units?
    A: Experience units are exchanged in the unit exchange screen. They offer an additional experience bonus when they are exchanged. The best use for experience units is to exchange them.

    Exp units do not have h scenes. Exp units cannot be used as the additional material to rank up uniques.

    Q: What are unique units?
    A: Uniques are stronger than regular soldiers. Uniques tend to show up in the story. They have h scenes. They have sub scenarios that you unlock by increasing affection.
    Unique units do not have a bracketed prefix to their name, like [regular soldier] or [exp].

    Q: Are there differences in the strength of uniques?
    A: It seems that story uniques are the weakest uniques available status-wise (unit ability may change this, not sure right now). Uniques that only come in R rarity in the silver gacha (Shirley, Sin, Leilia, Francette, Diana, Ariel, Aretha, Azel, Felicity, Ima, Festa, Esther, and Manon) are a cut above them in total stats. And the units that only come through the platinum recruit (Charlotte, Pas, Frea, Michelle, Claire, and Sorcelle) feature may be a cut above those.

    Basically, it seems the harder they are to get, the stronger they are.

    Q: What units should I use for the additional component in the ranking up of uniques?
    A: You should always use story uniques for this. Story uniques come out much more frequently in the silver recruitment than the other uniques.

    Q: What is a unit with a +?
    A: The plus increases a unit's stats. A plus unit is better than the same unit without a plus. The plus is kept when you rank up a plus unit.

    Q: What is a unit with a yellow rarity?
    A: The rarity of a unit will show up in yellow if that unit has a +, or if that unit is an [exp] unit.

    Q: What is the attach + feature?
    A: Through the attach + feature you can sacrifice/consume your "plus" unit to give that "plus" to another unit. If that "plus" unit is a story unique (currently, this includes Lilium, Lisette, Elena, Adelite, Alette, and Brigitte), then you can only transfer the "plus" to the same type of unit. If that unit is not a story unique (such as Francette), you can transfer the + to any unit.
    Note: The unit receiving the "plus" must be at SR rarity or above.

    Q: What is the enhance feature?
    A: Through the exchange feature you can store experience. Through the enhance feature, you can spend those experience points to level up other units. The best use of this feature, in my opinion, is to quickly level up lower rarity uniques so that you can rank them up quickly. As you will receive a lot of story uniques from silver gacha, this feature allows you to quickly level them, rank them up, and use them as components to rank up other units.

    Q: Should I exchange regular soldiers?
    A: Up to you. Individually, exchanging a regular soldier gives experience at a rate of 1.25 experience per silver spent, which is a worse exchange rate than when you exchange an [exp] unit. However, exchanging 10 units of the same kingdom at once makes this worth it.

    Q: Should I level up units that I exchange?
    A: No.

    The base conversion rate does not change when leveling up. Also, the bonus experience given by [exp] units is not increased when said units level up.

    Q: What should I know about the exchange mechanic?
    A: The base rate of conversion is 1.25 experience per silver.

    Exchanging one level one unit gives 300 experience for 240 silver. Your goal during exchange should be to beat the base rate as much as possible. There are only two ways to do so: use experience units or provide several units of the same kind at once.

    Converting ten units of the same kingdom will earn you an additional 6200 experience at no cost. For ten non-experience units, that comes out to be 9200 experience. Earning 9200 experience for 2400 silver puts you at ~3.83 experience per silver, a significant gain over 1.25.

    Making use of the same kingdom experience bonus will allow you to more easily meet the daily mission that gives you 35000 silver for enhancing units with 50000 experience.

    Q: Is there any reason to hang on to [exp] and regular soldiers instead of exchanging / dismissing right away?
    A: There is a boost to the experience acquired if you exchange units from the same kingdom all at once. The most efficient way to do it is to exchange 10 of the same kingdom all at once, as there is an increasing bonus provided with each unit of the same kingdom.

    Q: Why join a guild?
    A: A guild can unlock guild skills. There are four guild skills, and they provide bonuses to the health, attack, defense, and/or speed of your units.
    Later on (not yet implemented), there will be guild raids which provide great rewards such as rank up tickets.

    Q: What can I do with silver?
    A: It costs silver to use the exchange feature, to use the silver recruit feature, and also you can contribute to a guild by using silver.

    Q: What should I do with silver?
    A: You should probably spend most of it on the silver recruit 11 draw feature. The 11 draw gives you one additional draw at no charge, so you should always use this instead of the single draw.

    Q: What happens when I increase a unique unit's affection?
    A: At each 10% the unit receives a bonus. At 20%/R rarity and 100%/SSR rarity you unlock h scenes. At various percentages you unlock small bits of story for that unit. To view the status bonuses, go to the unit screen, then hover the mouse over the PF bar.

    Q: What is DP / blessing ?
    A: Divine protection (DP) buffs your units' status while they have it. At a full bar it reportedly provides a 20% boost to status. It decreases with each battle you fight at a rate of about 10% per battle.

    The bonus works according to these values:
    100% DP will provide a 20% bonus to status.
    50% to 99% DP provides a 15% bonus to status.
    20% to 49% DP provides a 10% bonus to status.
    1% to 19% DP provides a 5% bonus to status.
    Zero DP will provide no bonus.

    Q: How do I recover DP?
    A: When the unit levels up the DP will be restored. When the unit is put in the church the DP can be recovered.
    Units will take much longer to recover the more DP they are missing.
    Example: after one battle, a level 70 SSR unit recovers in just under 30 seconds. After losing all of her DP, the same unit would take a little under an hour to recover.

    Q: What are timed events?
    A: Timed events are time limited events. After a certain date, they will no longer be available.
    You can view the timed events by going to the sally screen, then clicking the arrows near the bottom left.

    Q: How do I get reputation?
    A: There are certain timed event battles that increases reputation. You can view how much reputation you will receive by looking at the rewards for the battle before going in.

    Currently, you must first clear "The Festival Sorceress I" and then "The Festival Sorceress II." After that, "After the Festival I" will unlock. And after clearing that, "After the Festival II" will unlock. The "After the Festival(highly advanced)" battle gives the most reputation, which is found in the "After the Festival II" stage.

    Q: How can I see the reputation rewards?
    A: On the sally screen, check the location of the reputation near the top left. To the right of the number value is a reward table button.

    Q: What are the rarities from least to greatest?
    A: N, R, SR, SSR, UR

    Q: What is rank up?
    A: Through the rank up feature you can boost the stats of a unit. A unit can go from N rarity all the way to UR rarity through the rank up feature.
    Note: A unit with a plus ( + ) will retain its plus if you rank it up.

    Q: Can I use [regular soldiers] as a material to rank up unique units?
    A: No.

    Q: Is there a penalty for using the rank up as early as possible?
    A: Consensus right now seems to be no. Rank up simply boosts the status of the unit and increases the level cap. It does not reset the level of the unit.

    Q: What should I do with unique units I get through silver recruit?
    A: Keep all of them. Even if you already have the unit at a higher rarity, the lower rarity ones can be used to rank up other units. Basically, you will either use these uniques in your party, or you will use them to rank up other uniques.

    Q: What should I do with regular soldiers I get through silver recruit?
    A: You can exchange them. Optimally, when exchanging, you would save as many as you can and then you can exchange 10 of the same kingdom type all at once for a significant bonus.

    Otherwise, unless you need them to fill your party, it is safe to dismiss them. You can simply check the "Auto Delete [Plain]" check box on the recruit screen and earn some silver back this way.

    [edit] ... Apparently the mopping up feature will benefit a lot from having many units of each color, enough of each to fill entire parties (of 15 units). As getting this many uniques may prove difficult, it may be a good idea to level enough regular soldiers to fill that criteria. Since mopping up is a not yet implemented feature I am not sure about this, but this is basically what was said to me from someone who apparently played on the DMM version of the game, which has been out for some time.

    Q: What should I do with exp units I get through silver recruit?
    A: Optimally, you should exchange them with the same kingdom type bonus where possible.

    Otherwise, you can simply check the "Auto exp change" check box on the recruit screen if you do not want to bother with this, but you will be missing out on bonus experience this way.

    Q: How do I obtain the halloween Lilium unit?
    A: You need to do the festival timed events. You unlock more copies of her by increasing your reputation. If you farm enough reputation points (78,000), then you can rank up your halloween Lilium to UR rarity.

    Note: Make sure you never use your halloween Lilium as the additional component during a rank up, otherwise you will not have enough to reach UR rank.

    Q: How do I tell what server I am on?
    A: Click your name in the upper left and view the server.

    Q: How do I change my commander skill?
    A: Click your name in the upper left and check the commander skill. You can also change the skill hot bar entries here.
    You can change the currently equipped commander skill during combat by clicking the arrows at the top center of the screen.

    Q: How often does AP regenerate?
    A: 1 per 3 minutes. AP does not regenerate if you are at (or over) the AP cap.

    Q: Why do I have so much AP?
    A: Your unused AP rolls over when you level up. You should start running out of excessive AP as you approach level 50, provided you are not failing any missions.

    Q: How do I use an "equip skill" ?
    A: If you equip an item with an ability on it to your first squad commander, you will be able to use the equip skill during combat.

    Q: What is BP?
    A: Some kind of points value used to cast the equip skill above. It regenerates through battling.

    Q: What is garrisoning?
    A: You can allocate units to spend time at a location and receive rewards after a duration. You can still use those units in battles while they are garrisoned.
    There is a small chance when you start the garrison that it will be a "battle" garrison, which means you get additional exp/silver by repeatedly clicking the monsters that spawn. Monsters respawn 20 minutes after they are destroyed. Optimally, you would be present every 20 minutes to click the monsters.

    Q: How do I use equipment?
    A: You can equip items to units through the unit screen when you select a unit. Alternatively, on the formation screen, there is an equipment tab.

    Q: What are commanders in formation?
    A: Commanders stay at the left unless the other units in their line are defeated in battle. Commanders of rarity SR and above have passive command skills which buff the units in battle. Commanders will run across the map if their squad is defeated.

    Q: What are auto deploy and auto skill?
    A: The buttons at the bottom right of the battle screen. Auto deploy (unit sortie) will send all of your formation to attack at the start of the battle. Auto skill (use skill) will let all of your units in the battle automatically use their skills.

    Q: How can I decrease the load time going into battles?
    A: Try muting all the sound (click the speaker buttons in the settings).

    Q: What difference does the unit's origin/kingdom make (Sandica, Demonia, Jade, Valmir, and Blanc) ?
    A: This influences their ability to fight against units. View the optimal affinities by going to the settings screen and then looking at the bottom left.
    ShinV: "Red beats green beats blue beats red. Purple and black beat each other."

    If a fight is difficult, you may benefit from reorganizing your formation before the battle to take advantage of the affinities. The enemy positions / origins are listed before you enter the fight.

    Q: How many story missions are there?
    A: It seems story missions end in Jade. So, three zones of story right now.
    (This is now out of date; it appears the story missions now end in Blanc at chapter 7)

    Q: How many story uniques are given?
    A: Right now, you get (in order) Lilium R, Lisette SR and Alette SR together, Adelite SR, Elena SR, and Brigitte SR. So, six uniques.
    (One more chapter was added, so this may be out of date)

    Q: How do I level up equipment?
    A: At the equipment screen, you can sacrifice equipment items to level up another item. You can also increase the level cap (apparently up to three times) by switching to the "cap up" tab and sacrificing an item of the same time.

    Q: Can I hold on to many single use platinum tickets to use them in batches?
    A: Everyone I see in chat that has tried this said it does not work.

    Q: How do I find [some feature] ?
    A: If you do not know where it is in the UI, everything can be found by clicking the menu button at the top right.

    Q: Where is a good place to farm for gifts?
    A: In the events zone, "Searching for medal3" in "Pursuing Medals" can drop three random gifts each time you run it.
    Last edited by laedalqin; 11-01-2016 at 11:51 PM.

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