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  1. I'm about ready to give up on this game.

    Day #6 of doing this pre-registration gatcha, and not a single 5*. In the Japanese release, people were getting one (sometimes more than one) 5* in their first set of ten pulls, and they had the option to go beyond the ten daily pulls by sending out a tweet. Unfortunately, we don't have this option. They also had a feature where after they did 49 pre-registration gatcha pulls, the 50th was always a guaranteed 5*. If we had this in the Global release, I would have had my 5* by now (since this is Day #6 for me, and I do ten pulls per day).

    I find it humorous that the supposed "reason" for SuperHippo giving us increased slots (for Nutaku Gold!!!) to keep additional characters, was because Japanese players were receiving so many 5* during their pre-registration gatcha that they had a hard time deciding who to keep. With the way the standard/default rates were lowered for the English version (unless you purchase those additional slots!!!), that's really not a problem, since you have such a slim chance to pull even a single 5*, let alone more than that. We never even reach the point of getting more 5* than we can handle, UNTIL we purchase the extra slots and receive that "increased chance for 5*" (which was probably the default drop-rate for the Japanese pre-registration gatcha). Kind of backwards.


    - SuperHippo lowered the default drop-rate for 5* girls, compared to the Japanese version. They also locked certain girls, as well as the standard drop-rate for 5*, behind a pay-wall.

    - Want 2x/Auto Battle? Better pay!

    I'm okay with them giving an increased number of slots if people wanted to pay. However, altering the rate of 5* character drops until you do defeats the purpose of the pre-registration gatcha. I doubt many people participate in these kinds of things for the 4* girls, I know I don't. I'd get enough of those by simply playing the game. As for locking game features (2x/Auto Battle) behind a pay-wall? I don't need to explain how awful that is.

    At least this destroys any interest I could potentially have had in this game. The art is nice, and I enjoy the setting, but greed this early on is just inexcusable. I guess I'll just continue to support/pay money in Flower Knight Girl instead. I know Sengoku Providence won't be getting a single cent of me, or a minute of my time.
    Last edited by vysethevaliant; 12-01-2016 at 03:55 PM.

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