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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Wankyudo View Post
    JP devs success because their game basically says it's ok to be a free player. Nutaku punishes and piles crap on you for not paying them money
    Nutaku never discloses their licensing fees, so there's that. The problem is that their shitty business model runs on a 6 or 12 month cycle (if even that long), and then they surreptitiously ween support for the game, where it dies a quiet and miserable death another 6 months to a year later. Because certain titles are making bank for Nutaku (or the licensing fee was pretty high), like FKG, they're able to sustain support AS LONG AS WHALES KEEP GIVING THEM THEIR CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZED CHARGES.

    Once the magic wears off, or Nutaku decides it's not worth additional resources or time, they'll hop on the next "great" thing. Their business model reminds me of so much VC behavior before the internet bubble during the late 90s. Gamble on a project or company, then gut it if it's not looking too well, moving on to the next thing. If one thing, at least, their Facebook/Twitter seems to be a well-polished machine, and brilliant marketing being present at major cons help bolster that image of "a hip, trendy platform for (sexy) games".

    Compare this to DMM's strong long-term commitment to new titles, and an option (many JP mobile companies offer this) to receive partial or even full refund should a game go belly up in a relatively short amount of time (1-2 years) Nutaku DOES NOT DEVELOP GAMES. They simply publish games, and do a lousy job of it, which allows them the freedom to "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" every fucking title they put out.
    Last edited by Discoceris; 12-10-2016 at 12:17 AM.

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