Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The slower the transition to the japanese mode of friendlier to newbie, the faster this game dies.

As this man stated, most free2p get it very rough even with the ´free´ events, this game clearly focus strongly in guild wars..unless you are a big whale or a f2p that has no life, it WILL become tedious, add to the fact that most 6 senkis are as hard as fuck to get for free2p, im not surprised that the free playerbase is bleeding out faster than the incoming playerbase shich is already small enough.

As stated above ´even whales needs fodder´ to fight, I cant see a very long future for this game. And since the sengoku staff actually looks/monitor this thread, i advice you to make the current p2win transition to the jp model as fast as posssible, or the game wont survive that long to see it done.
And not to mention that the previous event was so hard that even big whales had their arses handed, imagine how freaking impossible is for freebie players that had no luck with the crap free magatama rates that did not hoarded thousands of the useless free magatamas.

Nice job, its delicious seeing this game crumble..keep up the good job!