It's very VERY sad that a game like this is obviously fully fixated on getting money from the player if they want to hav at least a decent content.

There are so many games that give the player a good gaming experience and fun without point the whole time on the players briefcase.

For excample: Quest says: Buy your Girl gloves. But they cost 68 Diamonds. Or: Your Phone Memory is full, upgrade for 88 Diamonds.

That's ridiculous.

Oh and before I forget: Even tough you have to PAY AN INSANE AMOUNT OF MONEY to get to play a LITTLE FASTER they have that STUPID ENERGY SYSTEM. WHAT FOR???? To scare away even those who are willing to pay for this ... game if you wanna call it like that.

It's a shame how impudent thos creators are.

Have a nice day but not with pussy saga