Sadly I have to agree with the huniepop clone with almost everything locked behind paywalls.

Played for 2 hours and here is what I need now: 50 gems for the studio, 45 gems for a watch quest, 63 for a gloves quest, 30 gems for decent phone memory. Thats 188 gems within the first few hours. With the current gem rates I need to spent a minimum of 20 euro to get the gems and have some left over. But the gift quests are just for 1 single girl out of the 4 unlocked. And I am certain the other girls will have similar quests. Game is already to a deadbeat slow pace unless I spent gems to get things going again.

Not even 2 hours in and I have to spent more cash on this than on huniepop for the full game. And the art in this game is shit aswel combined with the shitty dialogue that was written by a 12 year old.

Jup a definite drop on this one. Don't expect this game to stay in the top played games for longer than a week.