So I've been playing Osawari Island for the past few months, but I feel like trying out another game at the same time. There is just a few requirements that I want the game to fulfill at least 1 of them for me to try.

1. Plenty of ways to obtain gacha tickets. In Osawari Island every event (which lasts 2 weeks) I can get myself 50+ gacha tickets to use. While I don't expect THAT many from other games, I do want them to be more often then like 1 ticket per week or so.

2. Chance for a non-whale to win in events. While this pretty much ties into 1 I'll still mention it anyways since there may be other ways that games have done it. Simply put I just want to be able to get a decent rank to get that event exclusive prize without throwing money at the game if I try hard enough.

3. Decent chance or different ways to get the rarer/gacha cards/characters. I've seen the rates for getting that SSR/UR or w/e is the highest rarity is in the game and most of them show abysmal chances (like 0.1% or lower) to get them. This sucks for me cause I do like just collecting everything I can just for the sake of having them, but if my chances are 1 in 1000 (or worse) to get them, then I would just give up. Or the game can provide some way for me to obtain those powerful cards/characters I see in gacha WITHOUT using the gacha itself .Not saying they should be like 40%+ chance to get, but high enough that with the amount of chances I get that I do have some hope of getting it after trying enough in a reasonable amount of time.

4. No need for dupes to evolve/upgrade. This is something I just REALLY liked in Osawari Island and more or less the main reason why I still play it. Simply I do not need to get a duplicate of the card/character to increase their level limit (and unlock H-scenes). I do know most games do have some special item that allows you to upgrade without dupes, but usually those things are REALLY hard to get. This is worst when I need more than 1 dupe to fully upgrade and/or it doesn't fulfill #3, cause nothing like getting that super ultra rare card/character that you only had like 1 in 10,000 chance to get, only to remember that I can't even get the most out of it (along with the H-scenes) cause I need to get it AGAIN.

Now let me just make it clear, I DO NOT need the game the fulfill ALL of these, just AT LEAST 1 while the more the better.