Hopefully it's a maintenance to fix the Hallelujah Stars that weren't being given out.
Hopefully it's a maintenance to fix the Hallelujah Stars that weren't being given out.
There is no channel in discord
Should someone create it
It would be better if the game chat is invisble
Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター
Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.
Signature made by Myrdin
There's probably no discord cause they use the in-game chat.
Anyways, looks like maintenence did fix the star bug and basically reset daily timed rewards. Yay for more AP pots.
It's time to go?
Fuck yeah, time to grind 4 sum bellz & ribbonz
Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター
Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.
Signature made by Myrdin
Managed to get to stage 8 on my first attempt of the mop up. Really lacking defense gear, probably shouldn't have gotten rid of all of the ones I had... I literally used over 100 IV boxes today and dumpped anything that wasn't SR+. Ah... such a bad move.
Also got xmas Eins to UR+. Used nearly all my 25AP pots and used all my 10 and 5AP pots. Now I can just focus on the other items. Feeling like that santa suit will give defense so probably gonna go for that first.
God damn ur fast, I barely got a copy a Eins R LOL
Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター
Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.
Signature made by Myrdin
The santa costume is pretty similar to the griffon clothing from the previous event; main difference is a bit less HP in return for more Def.
Really sad that we didn't get the Xmas Lisette unit with the latest update. She's in the scenarios and an enemy unit in the event sally, but not available as a unit. Was also hoping to see the Xmas Shizel and Sin even though they're the Xmas units for this year in Japan.
Managed to grab a UR+ Xmas Kotone in one draw on exclusive and then SSR+ Kotone in 2 draws on platinum so got really lucky with my plat/exclusive draws for the first time. Going to be getting the 11 Eins last with the christmas bells probably. Not a big fan of her, even considered just attaching the R+ to another unit.
New mop up operation is insane. Farthest I've managed so far is stage 9. If I can manage to get even just one copy of the new god weapon I'll probably just stop doing the 10 and go to 6.
Brave Girl Ravens (IGN: Seobi / Server: Ellis)
That's some amazing luck there, only tried 1 exclusive for the hell of it and just another generic R unique. Think it was Festa. Meh, have nearly an entire page of just Festas now...
As for Xmas Lisette, according to JP Wiki, she was released with Xmas Kotone, I'm not sure if she was gacha or not but I'm guessing so, so it is indeed strange. Some speculate it might be next weeks exclusive or something, since this is a 2 1/2 week event.