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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I highly suggest checking it out. There's some info on the wiki on how to get the DMM version up and running.
    A great amount of the people who plays these games (myself included) just play it for the scenes and that they are in English, like the guy above said, you can check those scenes in sad panda but you cant read the text nor even hear the VAs. Game play value, its just your average grind units, auto clear everything else, but in the art aspect its very well done.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Unhappy I'll miss the story.

    This is one of my favorites in Nutaku, Aigis, Sengoku, and now this, couldn't care much about gameplay, but the story, the art, AND EVEN THE BGM, is on point! Sad to see it go, any way to rip out the text, the voice, and the BGM for this.

    Also, I'll never find out what is happening to Blanc Monarchy, and the Demonia.... damn.

  3. #3
    curious Guest

    Question how dead this is

    uh, just checked it out. it still loads and fought normally. sadly, it has no updates just like ever.
    shame that those simpler rpgs like this, hitsuji, x-something seem to be all fading. :C

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by curious View Post
    uh, just checked it out. it still loads and fought normally. sadly, it has no updates just like ever.
    shame that those simpler rpgs like this, hitsuji, x-something seem to be all fading. :C
    Pretty dead, it's shutting down the last day of July (because they never bothered to update it for over a year, no real events for over a year, just equipment).

    Every time they did a revival event with real units people came back, but, they just couldn't be bothered to put in any effort.

  5. #5
    Well, this one was pretty obvious to die... surprised it lived longer than Aigis.

    Last time I played it was a year ago and even then people already mentioned that the game is doomed to be closed - game was just ignored with only a couple repeated events here and there.

    It was pretty good, but it was obvious nutaku just gave up on it...

  6. They never even bothered to remove the redraw censorship after the controversy at launch, even after all those years.

    Plenty of players and even web news outlets like LewdGamers reported on the dumb redraw censorship, but even after they acknowledged their mistake and said they'd look into getting it undone as soon as possible, they just did nothing as the playbase bleeded away.
    It's very much just like how Nutaku Aigis killed itself at launch with censorship. The difference is, Aigis at least tried in a last ditch effort to reintroduce cut characters. Years too late, but at least they tried.

    So once again, anotha one with censorship at launch, and anotha one to bite da dust.

    When will they learn? Time and time again. Nutaku need to realize that they have to get it right the first time. Or else it's bust for niche DMM games like these.
    THat's okay though, they've since stopped pursuing DMM games anyways
    Last edited by A Time to Screw; 06-18-2018 at 06:40 PM.
    Flower Knight Girl ID: 716597775
    Level 155. Total Power ~546000

  7. #7
    Ugh, I wish I'd spent more time with BGR before... I was just lucky I checked my e-mail and saw that it was closing down. Now I'm scrambling to see as many story and H-scenes as I can... and save them if possible. I don't know if anyone else has been working on that...
    Last edited by MalusCorvus; 07-21-2018 at 04:35 PM.
    Personal favorites, by game:
    Millennium War Aigis (RIP): Liana
    Girls Kingdom (RIP): Iris
    Dragon Tactics: Memories (RIP): Diske
    Brave Girl Ravens xR (RIP): Francette
    ...Most of the games I play on Nutaku end up getting taken down. Hmm.

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