Frost Sword's skippable, assuming you've got a pile of wands by now. Unless you really want that combination of attack/move with a side of 0.01 crit.
Frost Shield's skippable depending on how you value HP vs Defense. It offers significantly more HP, but also quite a bit less Defense compared to the clothing type gear we've been seeing (Griffon Clothing/Dangerous Santa Costume/Cherry Blossom).
The cap release tickets look like they require way too much AP for what they do; probably worth passing on if you want to build up your reserve of potions.
We've got 11 days to do an event designed for 7. Bertha was meant to be obtainable with natural AP regen + daily pots, but given this amount of time, she can acquired with natural AP even with never rolling an extra emblem drop. And there should be enough emblems leftover for at least one of the mini R ticket, plat ticket, or exclusive ticket without even going into daily pots, never mind the reserve. And the most notable piece of equipment from this event (Frost Ring) is a drop.