Only played Brave Girl Raven out of the three. Did try Sengoku Providence but not enuff.

Artwise- some characters' art style aren't consistent such as the derpy cat girls. Some are nice. Hentai-wise - same quality you see in Flower Knight Girl plus censorship. Don't mind the boobjob for lolis as long as the pussies and dicks aren't censored like Pero Pero Seduction

While the battles are short and auto, Would say Raven's events, the Mono and Pumpkin are way too much for a grind fest compared to Flower Knight Girl. If you have work like me, it doesn't have a lot of put down and short time of investment.

Not a lot of events compared to FKG which can bash you w/ two events (a new one and a revival)

Plus side, Ravens doesn't reset your stamina upon lvl up, it stacks up 4 you. It's easy to play at the beginning.