So basically our thoughts, rankings, opinions and general impressions while playing the games?

Lets see...

1. Brave Girl Ravens. Yep, this is #1 for me. Sadly, because you get bad luck with it, you felt the need to rank it low. In terms of gacha, most, if not all of the games I've played on here, have the same "you can still draw crap from premium gacha" system. So I don't really understand why the complaint other than your bad luck. This one is by far more friendly with premium gacha simply because there are many ways to obtain tickets even if you don't get the highest ranked unit, you can rank them up with rank up tickets. While there are stronger tiers of units, the thing is that every unit can reach the highest rank, UR+, which is fantastic. It makes units feel less useless like in other games where certain units are capped at certain ranks. The EXP system is fantastic too. Not only can you net EXP from battling, you can exchange units for EXP which you will be doing with regular units, some that even have exp exchange multipliers. I've mentioned this elsewhere before and it's not too relevant later on but stacking AP is probably one of the best thing this game offers to new players. Unlike almost every other game, when you level up, your stamina gets refilled, okay nice, but in BGR, your stamina not only refills, you can go over the cap. Meaning around the first 40-50 levels, you'll have so much stamina to play. Battles go by extremely fast which saves me so much time.

Though I favor the game, I won't ignore the flaws. First off being, BGR uses a awful game players (webGL is terrible and I'm forced to use an old version of firefox to play with unity). So much awful translations for items and equipment, it's quite ridiculous as google translate could honestly do a better job (which are slowly being fixed). Some of your typical loli censorship. Lastly, as of right now, non-stop events. Though this is a bit in the grey area depending on who you are, some people aren't being given enough time to even finish events as we're being thrown multiple events at once (though I believe it's just to make up for previously extended events to get back on track for seasonal events).

In terms of character artwork, it's not on my #1 but still high up there. Some units I don't really care for but most units I can say I like. I do really like their chibi artwork though.

2. Flower Knight Girls. I started this for 2 reasons. 1, the IWZ x FKG event, and 2, because it was popular. I honestly don't really have much positive to say about the game. While I don't hate it, it just has so much things that irritate me, most being related to how much RNG this game has. RNG skill system. RNG maps. RNG recovery from gathering. Wasn't fond of the exp system either, units only being able to level from using other units, which I know isn't the only game that does it but it was my first that did which basically forced me to grind low level crap for the longest time. While I'm glad our version basically has auto move, which is fantastic as I probably would quit the game if it didn't, the battles are still annoying long for the higher up stamina stages, not because of difficulty but just because of the route it takes to complete some stages. Really wish you could rush them like raid bosses.

I do like the evolution system though, I'm sure a few other games have similar system but it was the first one I played with it. It's a shame it doesn't anything to the visual aspect when it comes to the battle sprites, which I honestly dislike for this game. A lot of units just look like 2D ragdolls but the ones that shine, they shine. I do appreciate the fact that each 5+ star unit has their own unique skill animation though.

Character artwork is a big hit or miss. In most cases, I would say I don't care for most units in this game. As mentioned above, I dislike a lot of the battle sprites for the characters in this game but the ones I like, I like quite a lot, thus the big hit or miss.

(Everything from 3 down is a big gap in difference between 1 and 2 for me, I'm only adding them because I didn't want to leave them out.)

3. Crush Crush. Yea.. this only gets my #3 because it's the only other game I haven't dropped yet. I wouldn't call it a good game but it's nice that I don't have to get on to progress... even if extremely slowly. Character artwork is okay in my book.

4. Idol War Z. Should be renamed to Clicking War Z. I played it mostly because of the artwork, which places #1 for me, mostly because of the fact that it was all by 1 artist so I don't have to deal with inconsistent character designs. I eventually dropped it simply because there wasn't really anything of interest after a while. New girls were all paid gacha and honestly didn't feel like I was getting any progression after a time as I wasn't interested in paying for this game. The audio was terrible though and would glitch out when playing to fast so I had to always mute it. Liked its log in rewards though and a skill tree system was a surprise, wished other games had something like it.

5. Osawari. If I played this during release, I feel like i would probably still be playing it but since I jumped in very late, it was pretty much impossible to catch up. Far too much trash units in gacha or rather too much units in general without any way to expand other than paying. Possibly the one of the most P2W game on the site I've tried. Events were pretty much impossible as a free player. I got pretty close once but I went to sleep and ended up getting kicked off the rankings needed to win the event unit and lost by like 10 places. Didn't even touch PvP. Character artwork was another big hit or miss but again, I did like the chibis, didn't favor it or anything though. Found the game crashes a shit ton if you change menus or load to many things quickly (like when doing alchemy).

-. X Overd. Why are there male units in my porn game about collecting girls? I found this to be the most boring of the games I've played. Combat was just meh. I'm sure it gets more interesting in the future but the earlier release of the game was not enough to hook me in and aside from Margaret, all of the current girls were not appealing at all. The only positive thing I can say about the game is the stamina system was extremely generous being 1 stamina per minute unlike every other game with 3 per minute.

-. Sengoku Providence. It only gets mentions for its artwork, with reasons similar to IWZ. Shame its animated scenes have god awful quality. Nutaku's conversion of the game pretty much screwed the game over. Also terrible load times and awful recycled battle sprite models and skill animations. Certain modes pretty much impossible without paying or playing for a very long time.

A few other games I tried out and dropped in less than a day or not worth mentioning.