Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
Besides, you will want 99 luck team members anyway and damn sure you won't achieve that much on normal senhime anytime soon, ever even.
Let's just say: I am still clueless as to what 'luck' is, or does.

Well, yes, it is as some of you say, eventually, you'll get a 5* through normal gacha, somewhere around a 27% chance on 10-chain.
That was not the point, though, it's not as if I take it as bad advice, or anything.
As for the 5* during events, sure, they're not that hard to get, at least not those now. Found myself someone with a revival skill. Other than that, I need a decently strong team, and a bit of actual luck. Probably not what runs within the game mechanics though.
Neither of which, I have. For the "decently strong team", I'll get there eventually, I guess.