Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
I forgot about dis game LOL - too much games for me to keep up these days. Forgot to play Pero Pero and Oswari Island

I didn't drop it though

Honestly, the only things that makes me drop a game is stuff like Pussy Saga

I put up with Brave Ravens and Harem Heroes' lack of content and censorship shit

I used to live In Canada, so seeing censored stuff that drives folks nuts and having raw uncensored dicks and pussies is fine by me.
I am also being dragged thin over a few games. I mostly play Sengoku which was my main game a few weeks ago, before that was Aigis and now my main game is Kamihime Project. I managed to get a 99 luck 6* senkai from this event but only just as I am trying to get perfect units in Aigis and do Kamihime Project as well, plus have my normal life on top of that haha.