Quote Originally Posted by JessMini View Post
Can someone share some tips on Stage 18 (Lightning Mountain).

I have to destroy 4 fighters, but I'm only given 3 copters. So what happens is, 3 of the fighters come and destroy my copters (I then immediately shoot them down with my two anti-air missiles), but the 4th and final fighter just flies away to the southeast corner of the map. And then it just sits there cowering and never comes to my units. I don't have an airport and I can't cross the river so I don't know what to do. >.<
i not not remember what mission is what #. screenshots probably help. but i think i remember that mission. the first time, i think i ended up having to chase around this fighers for like 20 extra rounds waiting for them to randomly get close to my anti-air vehicles. i tried it again and somehow held back my copters out of range of the fighters in the beginning, waiting for individual fighters to get close enough to destroy them while they were isolated. also try to heal up your copters if possible with the special, or if you have a healing captain. i think there are a couple missions like this later on.