Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
It's their actual DPS based on the images on the CM wikia, but the problem is those images may not all use the same level camps, there's no where that mentions each image uses max level camps aside from comments for a few of the girls with other comments saying higher damage than what's shown in the image.

In case you didn't know, 100 attack speed = 1 attack per second. The formula is basically: damage*(attack speed/100). So if you're doing 30k damage with 160 attack speed, you're doing estimated 48k dps, not including skill damage.
Do you think Ava, Eli, Althea, and Roxelana is a viable team? I have beatrix but she isn't leveled and I'm not a big fan of melee's because they can just get one shot by bosses. Judging by the dps above (assuming they are somewhat accurate) Roxelana is the highest ranged dps I have.