As others have said, this may be it for this game for me. Spending RL money on a FTP game should be for those who can't no-life it, not required to get anything at all. The number of people who actually do no-life it and get all the main prizes will be vanishingly small, but that option HAS to be there or people will simply walk away. It has to be on the players to decide if they're going to put in the time and effort or if they're going to spend money, not something they can throw up their hands and legitimately blame entirely on the devs. If you give players the option to take absolutely none of the responsibility for their failure to win prizes, they WILL take it. They were already walking a very thin line after delaying the release for so long...for the events, they needed to be Santa Fucking Claus, the Easter Bunny, and post-spirit visit Ebenezer Scrooge combined to make up for it, but it looks like they alienated the players instead.