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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Free Player, never woke up at night:
    Got Ophelia
    Got the Bow
    Got 2x the shield (which annoyingly can only be used by archers)
    got 3x the boots (which are also annoying archer only)

    Do you really expect free players to get everything? Why would anybody ever pay if there was no benefit? Even as is, the 2nd maiden will almost certainly show up in the gacha, which means there's a very good chance you'll get her eventually anyways.

    And, fwiw, 13h should get you ~104 arrows, so you're pretty much on track, even if you're going to lose a bunch of stamina to sleep.

    I'll definitely agree the game could use an "auto" button though, however I would disagree it needs to be more difficult. I don't play any of the nutaku games because I want a challenge. There something I have running on my second monitor to kick off a run during a loadscreen or whatever on a real game.
    Well I didn't got the arrows. I had to go away for the weekend. It's called RL but it's totally my fault I didn't got Ophelia in time. I can accept that. However, I'm at 586/600 arrows, missing only 14! Maybe you, so pleased with this event, can explain this to me.
    New Upcoming Game: Crystal Maidens-1.jpg New Upcoming Game: Crystal Maidens-2.jpg
    If you don't understand what i'm trying to link you let me explain it to you. 3500 gems for 14 arrows.
    Last edited by EmeSky; 02-18-2018 at 07:00 AM.

  2. #2
    New Upcoming Game: Crystal Maidens-jce.png
    hehehe I think they still need to work on this

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by EmeSky View Post
    Well I didn't got the arrows. I had to go away for the weekend. It's called RL but it's totally my fault I didn't got Ophelia in time. I can accept that. However, I'm at 586/600 arrows, missing only 14! Maybe you, so pleased with this event, can explain this to me.
    New Upcoming Game: Crystal Maidens-1.jpg New Upcoming Game: Crystal Maidens-2.jpg
    If you don't understand what i'm trying to link you let me explain it to you. 3500 gems for 14 arrows.
    Ouch, yeah. That's fucked up. The middle energy refresh package, (what, 175 gems?) would have almost certainly enough to get 14 arrows. (possible with lowest) Just did an experiment, (checked what it would take me to craft Asuka after having bought everything else I was interested in:147010 gems. So it's not like there was a bug where it didn't give you credit for the mats you already have. I think it's a cool idea being able to buy whatever is missing, (never even occurred to me to try, to be honest, I don't think I've seen that in any other game. You miss it you miss it) but the price needs to be *much* more reasonable. At that point it may as well not even exist.

    (I assume you're stuck with an iPhone? Guess stuff like this is another reason to go android. Though, to point out, you presumably knew you were just short before you left, and could have bought some extra energy to make it then.)

    So, yeah. The ability to buy what you missed is a cool feature, (and I'll have to remember it in the future, instead of just blowing all my mats on whatever when I realize I can't get enough for anything more I really want) but either they're F'in retarded or they slipped a decimal point. 350 or so would have made some sense, 2x what it would have cost you if you had done it when you could as way of penalty.

    That said, there *is* a screwup that's 100% in the players favor (that I'm not going to mention in case other people know about it. I'd assume the devs monitor these threads, and will fix it if I do. I figure the screwup on the decimal balances out this screwup, though unfortunately it won't help you get more arrows.)

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    Oh, and P.S. do I love everything about the event? Not really. Definitely things could be better. I'm just saying expecting to get everything as a free player (like the first event) is unrealistic.

    As I've said before, I'd argue the design target for rewards like these should be:
    1. All "normal" players (regardless of how long they have been playing) should be able to get the event maiden, along with possibly some other misc stuff, though newer players may have to "no life" it.
    2. Casual players will just get misc stuff
    3. Whales (and potentially no-lifers who get lucky) can get everything.

    And my gut feeling from these boards is that they hit that target. (I suspect even newer players (albeit not brand-new) could get Ophelia if they no-lifed it. The drops on map 7 definitely improved as well. Was getting an average of 3. (I switched over once I had enough of the other mat from 10)

    Seems like the vast majority of people got at least Ophelia. Those who didn't were unable/willing to play for significant periods.

    Now sure, they could have made it less random, though that would have prevented the whole "no-lifers who get lucky" aspect... though I doubt there was enough (any?) to bother, and with many of us closing in on 110 energy (I hit 90 towards the end of the event, I assume some are near 110, especially those who played during the soft launch), the whole concept of no-lifers in the high end game is pretty much done. 9 hours to full recharge covers sleep, and almost all of work. (all of work if you can do a few runs on your phone at lunch)

    So yes, could it be improved? Yeah:
    1. Less random. (pretty much give the average of what you got now)
    2. Auto-complete once you 3 star a map*
    3. Apparently fix the after-event purchasing, assuming you're going to leave it in.
    4. Don't even bother with the mat gacha, if you can just buy missing ingredients after. Assuming pricing is fixed as per point 3.

    (Note: I'm not entirely sure how I would implement auto-complete in this game, since units get all their exp from actually being in the fight (though not necessarily deployed). All the games I can think of with auto-complete you get much (if not all) of your unit exp from feeding resources into your units. It significantly changes the dynamics of leveling up if you can simply slap in 4 lvl 1 units and auto-complete a really hard mission to level them up real fast, instead of having at least 1 or 2 high level units to nursemaid them. However making auto-complete give *no* unit exp would pretty much make it pointless. Maybe this will change when I hit the cap for my primary maidens, but if auto-complete doesn't help level up the maidens, it may as well not exist. Which presumably means you'd have to restrict auto-complete to using the same party you used last time on that map. While only having auto-complete work on the last map you did if your party is still the same would "work" for event grinding, it is definitely less than ideal. I'd like an auto-complete function to be useful when grinding outside events, which largely means popping from boss fight to boss fight to boss fight.

    So, I'd guess I'd implement auto-complete as follows: To auto-complete a map, your party has to include all the members you actually *deployed* the last time you 3*'d that map. That does, most likely, add quite a bit of memory to each persons profile. For each map you'd have to memorize (up to) 4 maidens. But I think it would be the most optimum for the players, (other than, of course, just saying frack it and let us use anybody, and ignore the fact it'll make it far faster to level up new maidens.)

  5. #5
    Kusho Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Which presumably means you'd have to restrict auto-complete to using the same party you used last time on that map. While only having auto-complete work on the last map you did if your party is still the same would "work" for event grinding, it is definitely less than ideal. I'd like an auto-complete function to be useful when grinding outside events, which largely means popping from boss fight to boss fight to boss fight.

    So, I'd guess I'd implement auto-complete as follows: To auto-complete a map, your party has to include all the members you actually *deployed* the last time you 3*'d that map. That does, most likely, add quite a bit of memory to each persons profile. For each map you'd have to memorize (up to) 4 maidens. But I think it would be the most optimum for the players, (other than, of course, just saying frack it and let us use anybody, and ignore the fact it'll make it far faster to level up new maidens.)
    Yep, i thought about that too, and i generally came to the same conclusion - you should be allowed to autocomplete with a group that have beaten (or 3-starred alternatively) the map. Even if it only remembers your last group that beat the level it will still be a vast improvement over having to manually replay. And is definitely much better option than being able to auto without gaining any experience (which is going to suck and ppl wont use it)

    As for the event - i got Ophelia and the bow and im happy reward-wise, what im not happy about is the retarded ammount of grinding. While i can tolerate pay2win, pay2grind or even free2grind is not my thing.

  6. #6
    Kusho Guest
    Reading the complaints above, i just tried for LOLZ to buy Asuka and got a message asking me to pay 163000 gems. LOL

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusho View Post
    Reading the complaints above, i just tried for LOLZ to buy Asuka and got a message asking me to pay 163000 gems. LOL
    What, you don't think she's worth ~$800?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    That said, there *is* a screwup that's 100% in the players favor (that I'm not going to mention in case other people know about it. I'd assume the devs monitor these threads, and will fix it if I do. I figure the screwup on the decimal balances out this screwup, though unfortunately it won't help you get more arrows.)
    Anyone know this PM me...please

  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest
    Hmm... Apology bandana for the initial poor drop rate?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Valentine Event is back for purchase items but the missing ingredients are not fixed

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