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  1. #1
    Eli, Althea and Zera have been very solid for me. I've been rotating my fourth, but it should be a DPS.
    Sacred Sword Princesses invite code for server 2: Ruu0006963

  2. #2
    Althea is the only healer (there are a couple other healing skills but they suck) and is pretty useful if you want your party to stay alive - pretty much a must if you're trying to 3 star some of the harder missions. Otherwise her damage is nonexistent so if you're struggling to meet the timer you could consider replacing her with another DPS and sucking up the revive timers.

    Tanks are mostly there to bait out AOEs and let your ranged maidens move into better positions. As such, Eli is pretty useless for that because of her ridiculously slow speed. She's a good damage sponge, but that's not something you need later on. And definitely don't use her with Althea - that's two maidens that do no damage, and the heal will become irrelevant when it heals for 500K (with a LOT of investment) and Eli has several millions of health.

    If you want a tank, try to get Beatrix or Isana.

    As for damage, there are lots of great options.

    Out of the regular Gacha maidens, good ones are Luna, Zera, Billie, Roxelana, Heet, Micah I suppose.
    Luna is basically the best maiden atm - long range, one of the highest DPS, high damage per hit (useful if you're trying to avoid damage by moving a lot) and splash damage (!!) on top of that.

    If you have event girls, Jess, Daphne, Ivy, Patricia are good. Jess especially is pretty amazing.

    Don't worry about skills. They almost all suck when you get to later stages, since the scaling is awful and it costs a fortune to upgrade (my Althea skill costs 11 millions to upgrade to next level). It does less damage than a regular attack and takes way longer to use...
    The only ones worth using and upgrading are Althea, and skills that stun (only upgrade until stun duration stops increasing) and summoning if you're into that (but summons only act as damage sponges).
    Last edited by vem; 06-09-2018 at 09:01 PM.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    They need to do something about the events grind, increase the stamina cost and the rewards or give us a auto complete after we get 3 stars. Doing the same quest over and over again everyday is not fun.

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    Did the game break? I get to the party select screen and hit play, but it just sits on "Loading...". Does the same thing whether I try on my computer or my phone. Kind of bothersome with the event ongoing.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Servers maybe?

    Been fine playing for the past 2 weeks (just started) but today neither my phone nor pc will do anything related to the event. I assume I am not alone in this?

  6. #6
    I had the same thing and sent a ticket on it. Other missions work fine.
    Sacred Sword Princesses invite code for server 2: Ruu0006963

  7. #7
    stuck with "loading" too. only happen with event related dungeons.
    tried on two different browsers, hardware accelleration and not. nothing change.

  8. #8
    Is the event equipment only for the event girl?

  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest
    Anyone know who's really good at DPS? I just got Zera and she has 200 attack speed but low damage I think. I haven't tried her yet but she seems like a crit based character spamming crits. I currently run Roxelana and Ava and Ava is on the weaker side even when Roxelana is 4 levels lower.

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