___Winter Event______________

Stage + Item drop % + Coin:

stage 12: Snowflake 50%, Candy Cane 60%, 975 coin
stage 11: Christmas Bell 55%, Candy Cane 40%, 910 coin
stage 10: Fire Arrow 50%, Gingerbread 80%, 845 coin
stage 9: Gingerbread 75%, Christmas Bell 25%, 780 coin
stage 8: Snowflake 25%, Gingerbread 60%, 715 coin
stage 7: Candy Cane 30%, Snowball 100%, 650 coin
stage 6: Water Arrow 50%, Gingerbread 50%, 585 coin
stage 5: Snowball 80%, Candy Cane 25%, 520 coin
stage 4: Fire Arrow 25%, Snowball 70%, 455 coin
stage 3: Gingerbread 40%, Christmas Bell 10%, 390 coin
stage 2: Water Arrow 25%, Snowball 60%, 325 coin
stage 1: Snowball 50%, Gingerbread 25%, 260 coin

Best drop rate for material: (sorted common to most rare)

Snowball - stage 7 (100%)
Gingerbread - stage 10 (80%)
Candy Cane - stage 12 (60%)
Christmas Bell - stage 11 (55%)

(Girl specific drops)
Water Arrow - stage 6 (50%)
Fire Arrow - stage 10 (50%)
Snowflake - stage 12 (50%)

Rewards (Fusion/Material trading)

Naku (Epic)(Christmas Nuka) - Snowflake x35, Gingerbread x50, Christmas Bell x25
Zera (Legendary) - Fire Arrow x35, Snowball x30, Candy Cane x35
Ava (Rare) - Water Arrow x35, Snowball x30, Gingerbread x35

Xmas Staff (Legendary) - Snowball x12, Gingerbread x12, Candy Cane x12, Christmas Bell x12
Bowing 3000 (Rare) - Snowball x50, Gingerbread x50

35k coin - Christmas Bell x45
20k coin - Gingerbread x50
10k coin - Snowball x50

Skill points:
x40 - Candy Cane x20, Christmas Bell x20
x20 - Snowball x20, Candy Cane x15
x5 - Snowball x10, Gingerbread x15

Unique Icon - Gingerbread x20, Christmas Bell x20

The rest:
- is combining lower lvl materials into higher lvl ones, but it has good chance of failure
- (probably all mats lost), currently untested


Total (girls only):
Snowball x60
Gingerbread x85
Candy Cane x35
Christmas Bell x25
(Snowflake x35, Fire Arrow x35, Water Arrow x35)

Total - All limited/event rewards (all girls, xmas staff, and unique icon)
Snowball x72
Gingerbread x117
Candy Cane x47
Christmas Bell x57
(Snowflake x35, Fire Arrow x35, Water Arrow x35)

All missions cost 6 energy. Is best to farm the highest lvl mission possible or that your team can handle.
*note: a single lvl 40+ girl can escort a group of low lvl girls through all 12 missions, thus you can lvl a team while farming mats
**there is no scoring on these missions, so skipping enemies or losing a girl or two is fine. Only victory matters

Each of the 3 girls requires their own special material. Which basically means that once you have 35 of the given item, it's probably best to switch to farming a different mission. As those materials (Snowflake/Fire Arrow/Water Arrow) cannot be used for anything other than that particular girl.

Suggested farming order starting with highest rarity of girl:

Farm mission 10 until 35 Fire Arrows (while gaining gingerbread)
Farm mission 12 until 35 Snowflakes
- if you go over 47 candy canes you can always try combining with gingerbread for bells later
- OR if you aren't pressed for time you can switch to mission 8 if you're fine with 25% of snowflake drop rate
Farm mission 6 until 35 water arrows (more gingerbread)
- if one gains an obscene amount of gingerbread during fire/water arrow farming, one can always
- switch to the lower missions to gain snowballs instead (potentially skipping the next step)

Farm mission 7 until 72 snowballs (also gives candy canes)

Finally, farm mission 11 or 9 for Christmas Bells, depending if you need more gingerbread or candy canes at this point.

Once complete, the extra materials can be spent on whatever, but remember snowflakes fire/water arrows can only be used on the girls. so if you're going to get extras make it of gingerbread/snowballs/etc as they can be traded in for coin or skill points.

Happy Christmas everyone!
Happy farming/grinding