Quote Originally Posted by Diesirae View Post
It's currently (at the time of posting this) ranked #1 above KamiPro x_x'
I reckon it'll be short-lived but I really wouldn't have expected that either way.

Quickly frame it before it goes away forever..
Most of the releases, which didn't have soft launch are like that.. maybe even all non soft launch releases.

A lot of the players just want to try it out - maybe it will be fun, but it wasn't...

The major flaw would be balance of the top up.. just topping up around 500 coins already gives you more bonuses than you will ever get through rebirthing gold earn wise. Most of the good stuff is also locked behind a pay wall... you literally have to pay for everything, nothing is available for free aside of the initial 24 hour chest challenge and the rebirth barely improves you at all.. heck, the only reason I even used rebirth was for the quests/events rushing.. rush till boss 40 is the approximate way for a fast rebirth/boss amount killed.