It's harder now that a lot of great girls got nerfed...

But a general guide would be: level 4+ karin, level 4+ nari, level 2 astrid, level 2 of any artillery girl sergeant(might be worth it to have 1 missiles girl available for air heavy maps) or level 5 cassandra(or whatever the 5% def one was)..

Mid tanks all the way with this set up.. counter the air either by your own air or the long range anti air(this one is usually prefered to get initiative)..
Use Nari's 1 shot kill ability to get rid of particularly annoying unit(will usually be an air unit which you can't hit but it can reach you or a full hp heavy tank/artillery which will be able to get a 1st move on you next turn)

If you are under 10 turns and can win, don't win yet - capture more buildings.. don't lose a unit while ignoring the enemy though..

Maps with airport are incredibly easy - capture airport ASAP build 1 bomber if enemy only has ground, build fighter if your enemy has air to defend against it... this will make the enemy spam build the ground anti air with 90% probability.. faceroll this weak ground with your noble mid tanks.