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  1. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Reaction ring for sure should be the first buy. While it may be slow without healing ring, you can still just barely outheal the mana cost with turn skip heal. Later on reaction ring is absolutely needed, especially if you plan on challenging later arenas. Each mob hits you 3-4 times in heroic, and since summons don't scale or anything, you have to personally kill everything. Since inventory space is so limited, you're not gonna be able to kill everything if all the enemies get 1st turn and break your armor before you get a chance to move.

    More or less the late game strategy is

    Triple enchant weapon and armors
    Summon mobs and surround yourself so you can 1v1 enemies(If enemy is ranged you can skip this since ranged attacks don't deteriorate armor unless they crit)
    Death, Death, Death, Touch, Self to get +7 more damage(Can use fire in place of death)(You don't need this if your weapon is already 8 base damage before enchant, lower depending on mob)
    Swap equips as they break
    CEX attack so you kill the enemies with 2 hits.(With triple enchant Sabre or Stilleto vs Frostworms)
    Death, Death, Death, Touch, Self to recover CEX(Can use fire in place of death)
    That sounds faster in the beginning, where weapons actually do something.. but much less efficient than what I told though.
    First of all using armor is a waste... I am rarely using armor(although I have reaction ring, so that's the reason ofc).. and using weapon... is a waste, unless the fight is easy.. in which case you should try a harder one.. though a less of a waste one, since you have a great starting sword(I hope you did get it before starting) but I never get a chance to use it and it doesn't break if I don't... crafting the 10/10 sword is also a good idea if you go that way, since using shield is a waste.
    If for some reason you want to use armor - use Quad(not triple) enchant of 1 armor piece... along with decent body stat you should evade most of the stuff enough to go into corner before getting reaction ring.
    But CEX armor is actually quite useful especially before reaction ring..
    Using mana on anything that doesn't deal dmg to opponent and summoning.. is a waste, unless it's for recovering mana.
    Problem with using weapon/armor... things scale TOO much as you increase levels... like anything on hard becomes so fat that you will have to spend 3-5+ turns per 1 enemy to melee kill it. And it only gets worse.. I imagine that by lvl 10+ the mobs will have like 200+ hp, while your dmg from weapon will remain around the same.

    Inventory space won't be very limited if you stop wasting money on armor and actually buy inv space too.. but then again you won't really need it more than once or twice in that case...
    Last edited by Hentaika; 06-25-2017 at 12:03 AM.

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