Quote Originally Posted by Semaphore View Post
How large of damage numbers are we talking about here? If you did the testing with some level 1 general and the damage from infantry suppression or whatever the relevant lab skill is is a large fraction of your damage, and that gets boosted by the +5% damage, then that could explain the discrepancy. I'm not sure if that lab skill gets boosted by percentage damage buffs, however.
It was with a Lvl 40 SSR Sword Master with about 2000 ATK and only flat increases, no RNG Procs. The Dmg was somewhere in the 2000s with only a small difference between the weapons. Infantry Supression might or might not interfere, I don't know.

Well, I guess we can't really solve this without more information on the formulas behind the system.
I'll just take your observations as a guideline, until I can maybe test this in a more "realistic" scenario.

Thanks again for your effort!