Quote Originally Posted by Emrakul View Post
she has 2800 hp.
That's not very much. Getting some good accessories and leveling them up makes a huge difference in your general power. Higher max HP also means higher attack and defense, making your accessories your most important gear. Temp just won daimyo in part by trotting out a group of generals with over 7000 HP each.

If you've got a three-star Master Strategist, then either you're a whale or you've been playing for quite a while. If the latter and your generals only have 2800 HP, you're focusing your resources in the wrong place.

The original jintai drum from daimyo world bosses is a decently powerful accessory that is not very hard to acquire and not that that expensive to level up. It's not what you want at endgame, but it's a nice temporary item until you get a strong enough team to get the chapter 5 campaign gear.