Quote Originally Posted by Biodeamon View Post
So i'm noticing a worrying trend here with the games developed by westerners requiring you to constantly pay to unlock scenes. With other games like dmm releases you only have to grind and gamble a bit to get some good stuff, but it seems impossible to progress in booty calls or pussy saga without slapping down some real cash eventually before your slots run out. You can't even delete pictures from storage to free up space. (and just when I was starting to have booty change my mind about western quality)

This surely can't be a sustainable buisness model for nutaku, as anyone can google these things for free... Shouldn't nutaku do more quality control?
I'm curious how you think Nutaku SHOULD be monetizing these games then, since pretty much everything in 'em can be googleable for free. And not monetizing anything seems like even less of a business plan. (that said, the inability to delete pictures does seem particularly stupid, I have a hard time believing that wasn't just an oversight.) Maybe the reason we aren't seeing many (more?) dmm games is because THEY weren't profitable? That's the stated reason for Aigis closing, after all.

That said, AFAIK neither of those games have a PvP or Cooperative mode. Which means they have absolutely ZERO incentive in keeping around players that won't succumb to their monetization scheme. Business models aren't based on number of people playing, it's amount of money made. If you aren't paying you are costing them money without contributing to the enjoyment of people that are playing. In short, they pretty much have every incentive to want you GONE.