I have it. I'd say I'm about one quarter though the game. So far the artwork is probably the best part of the game. The story is a mess of parody and lame 4th wall breaking jabs, though I did chuckle a bit at some of them.

The game is buggy as fuck, saving and loading tend to re-spawn some bosses and such, so far I haven't gotten stuck due to this. The nymphs are captured like pokemon, but you don't need any items, and the game seems very forgiving when it comes to letting you capture them. I haven't failed a capture yet, even if the health of the nymph is 50%. I would also like to mention some, uhhh... interesting design choices, like auto talking to npc when just coming into their radius. It's kind of grindy also, but this isn't too bad as heal and save points tend to have spawn points near them.

Being someone that has made some broken games himself, I can say that the dev's put a lot of love and work into this. But you are not going to get seamless experience playing this. I'd wait till it's around 10$ or less. It's really not worth the 25$ asking price.