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Thread: *New* Cuntwars

  1. #41
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    How to participate in guild wars? I try attacking but all my cards is blacked out - I can't select any.
    If you just joined a guild you can't attack until the next day. Also you can only use each card once a day.

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    How about some advice then? I just got my 7 day login bonus, but I can't get past league 20. Always seem to end up fighting the same person, who I can only guess is an ai since they have the same name as the tutorial pvp player, or someone imitating an ai. I only guess it's an ai because I found it strange to be matched against the exact same person 3 times in a row. I simply can't take down their 16 health high naga in 1 turn if they deploy it first, and if I take longer than 1 turn to kill it I more or less lost the match already.

    Also keep getting matched against players with 2 month badges and usually can't win against them because they seem to have max level, and rebirthed cards or legendaries which I have none of. Even fought one today who started with a legendary 1st turn, then another legendary 2nd turn. I resigned since the match was already lost because I couldn't kill the first legendary in 1 hit.
    Hm, could write a small new players guide if there are more that are interested in it.

    The easiest way to get past league 20 is to join a decently lvled guild. You can unlock a lot of very powerfull bonuses with league contribution points, like +6hp to all your chaos units. Today within the next 2 hours would be a good time to join a guild. Today turf wars end and thou there are double rewards (that also means no turf war tomorrow). If you join a guild that has a couple of territories in turf war double rewards might be enough to get you enough contribution points to unlock your first guild bonus (it actually doesn't have to be the first, just any thats decent for what ever your using and unlocked by your guild).

    You also should use your first 99 gems to buy the 99 gem discount pack, that one gets you your first epic, if your lucky even more than one. (Don't know if that discount pack can have legendaries as well, but I would assume so). Lady Clair, Void Juggler, Titania are probably the best starting epics to start out with, eventhou I am not sure if you even can get Lady Clair that early in the game, not sure how the mechanics work on that. You definatly can get Void Juggler, Bard and Titania from the beginning. If you've got only Bard as your first epic you even might consider creating a new account and redoing the tutorial. Bard early on feels way weaker then the other two.

    To beat High Nagas or other very powerfull units early on you might need to throw away a couple of units till you can comeback on turn 2-4 by using your storm in a way that you can kill 2 or more units in a single turn, sometimes you also have to use your archer ability on top of that. If you have to use your archrs early as well that can always go horrible wrong but sometimes you just have to try.
    Last edited by qwert; 12-17-2017 at 09:07 AM.

  3. #43
    Unregistered Guest

    some hints and advises

    the log in bonuses continue as far as I know.
    free gold every two days and free gems other days (thats 10 gems every two days! 1 mistress draw per month -> if u get lucky u get legendary -> power up ur deck immensly. tho across accounts i never got legendary from single draws I did maybe 5 tries so far, 10x supposedly give better chances, thats how I got Athena), with free cards given at every 7 days.
    and at 28th day they give epic cards, at least for month of december (void juggler this time, best epic card IMHO sadly I started too late to get her).
    so over time u r bound to get stronger.

    if u r having hard time advancing in current league, u will have terrible time in higher one.

    if u view progress in game as advancing in the league -> the game progress very very slowly
    if u view progress in game as improving ur deck while enjoying pleasant view -> sure progression every time u play

    my advise is, if u r losing in current league, keep resigning the matches until u go down in league where u can win most of the time so u can get boxes with cards.
    do this for a while to strengthen ur deck.

    strengthening common and rare cards are important for the dark tower runs where the random pool for 4 card change every turn in sets of common, rare, epic, or legendary.
    basically even if someone has legendaries, the dark tower match may end without having chance to play them.

    about p2w, the paywall gets very steep, so u will continually have to pay to advance in league.
    1USD or 5USD packs r worth it, IMHO, thats like a burgher but...
    I've payed over 100USD (thats like two quality ohaholes folks) and got to league 11 before hitting the paywall again. to imagine how much the top ranked dudes paid to get there, they could have bought a nice love doll from japan

    don't focus too much on advancing in league if u want to enjoy the game.
    didn't it say somewhere that men who look at breasts live longer and happier lives? so use this game for that, enjoy view, live long and prosper
    plus guild turf wars are a real fun, the bonuses super helpful too, got this +3 attack to my order heroes for 7 days thing going and now i adapted my deck to play only order heroes.

    brawls not good source of income IMHO, but if u lucky u get cards, i got some nagas once (the best common card IMHO), other times, the wins are not worth it, but u can use it to get daily quests done (kill / play cards/ win matches etc.) without worrying about losing league matches.

    my verdict: this is perfect game to play right after fapping, play for half an hour before the next round of fapping commences. play little bit every day, b4 u notice, u will be winning every match in ur league, then u r ready for next league.

  4. #44
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by qwert View Post

    You also should use your first 99 gems to buy the 99 gem discount pack, that one gets you your first epic, if your lucky even more than one. (Don't know if that discount pack can have legendaries as well, but I would assume so). Lady Clair, Void Juggler, Titania are probably the best starting epics to start out with, eventhou I am not sure if you even can get Lady Clair that early in the game, not sure how the mechanics work on that. You definatly can get Void Juggler, Bard and Titania from the beginning. If you've got only Bard as your first epic you even might consider creating a new account and redoing the tutorial. Bard early on feels way weaker then the other two.

    To beat High Nagas or other very powerfull units early on you might need to throw away a couple of units till you can comeback on turn 2-4 by using your storm in a way that you can kill 2 or more units in a single turn, sometimes you also have to use your archer ability on top of that. If you have to use your archrs early as well that can always go horrible wrong but sometimes you just have to try.
    I've already done the premium roll 3x. Only got 2 epics total, rest were just blue. As for the high Naga, throwing away units won't really help since it had 12 attack as well. I have nothing that can take 2 hits from it.

  5. #45

    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I've already done the premium roll 3x. Only got 2 epics total, rest were just blue. As for the high Naga, throwing away units won't really help since it had 12 attack as well. I have nothing that can take 2 hits from it.
    Honestly, you might just need to wait and acquire more rares/epics to upgrade and reborn them. For some units (Naga, Untouchable) get really powerful once you reborn them. And like what the other poster said, joining a guild is great to use some boosters to increase your units atk/hp temporary. They last relatively long and is a good way to patch up some weakness, such as one shot potential.

    Also, might I ask what units are you currently using in your team? You also said you got a few epics. Some are good, but others can easily help propel you a league or 2 higher than you would otherwise without it. I myself was stuck on league 20 for a day or two until I finally found a void juggler to help with damage.

  6. #46
    Unregistered Guest
    Just wondering if someone could answer some questions.

    1. If I create a new account can I receive epics from a rank 15+ player from daily friend gift?

    2. I noticed that if I refer myself and finish the tutorial, then log back into my normal account, I seem to get promotion chests again when I raise to a league which I've already gotten it in. Was able to claim rank 20 purple chest multiple times.

    However, I also managed to claim a rank reward I already had after I dropped 2 ranks and raised it back up.

    Any idea how/why this happens? Can I just drop ranks to exploit this for easy purple chests? I've confirmed the referral thing works multiple times, but only did the rank drop once so far.

    3. Can I drop back to low rank to get the 500->300 gold chests again after farming a bunch of gold for maxing the starting units? I noticed the price on my current gacha drops depending on my rank, so I was wondering if there's a limit.

  7. #47
    There are some tips that you can use if you have time.

    1. Opponents in Brawl and Dark Tower are from your current League level.
    1+ You get 4 big rare chests for completed Dark Tower.
    2. Rewards for gaining new League level are resetting every day

    3. If you constantly lose you can go down to 24 Leage level where are weakest opponents.

  8. #48

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Just wondering if someone could answer some questions.
    1. If I create a new account can I receive epics from a rank 15+ player from daily friend gift?

    3. Can I drop back to low rank to get the 500->300 gold chests again after farming a bunch of gold for maxing the starting units? I noticed the price on my current gacha drops depending on my rank, so I was wondering if there's a limit.
    1. Yes and no. You can but sending epics to friends requires league 12. Buying your own epics requires league 15 in journey and dark tower shop

    3. I was wondering about that as well and just finished testing it. Droped down to league 25 then went sleeping. Sadly I somehow forgot that I wanted to check on booster prices and won a match, which promoted me to league 24 before checking. Boosters costed 800g at that point, so you can definatly get quite a big 'discount', thou Im not sure if one can get back to the 300g cost. Would be nice to get more knowledge about when exactly the game refreshes booster prices and when exactly you can get new league chest rewards because those seem to be a bit random sometimes as well.

    Anyone already received a refferal chest? One of my disciples reached rank 15 but I didnt get the chest. Already wrote the support but not answer yet. I am a little afraid people have to use your referral link when getting into league 15 for anyone to receive a reward. Also one does get gems if one of your disciples buys gems, thou Im not sure that might also only work if that person currently is using your link. I do also not know if the amount matters. Got 15 gems two time. (For those of you who care, I do not know which of my disciples bought the gems just that someone did.)
    Last edited by qwert; 12-18-2017 at 09:21 AM.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by qwert View Post
    Anyone already received a refferal chest? One of my disciples reached rank 15 but I didnt get the chest. Already wrote the support but not answer yet. I am a little afraid people have to use your referral link when getting into league 15 for anyone to receive a reward. Also one does get gems if one of your disciples buys gems, thou Im not sure that might also only work if that person currently is using your link. I do also not know if the amount matters. Got 15 gems two time. (For those of you who care, I do not know which of my disciples bought the gems just that someone did.)
    The text is a bit misleading. It is actually league 15, not rank 15.

  10. #50

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotono View Post
    The text is a bit misleading. It is actually league 15, not rank 15.
    Big thanks for that one! Thats pretty though.

    Quote Originally Posted by qwert View Post
    Also one does get gems if one of your disciples buys gems, thou Im not sure that might also only work if that person currently is using your link. I do also not know if the amount matters. Got 15 gems two time. (For those of you who care, I do not know which of my disciples bought the gems just that someone did.)
    The amount of gems one receives depend on the amount bought, got 45 gems today as well. Thanks to whomever I have to thank for that!
    Last edited by qwert; 12-18-2017 at 05:05 PM.

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