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Thread: *New* Cuntwars

  1. #71

    How to increase Hero HP?

    I am level 8 already but im still facing 80HP opponent with 45HP, please advice me how to increase more HP.

  2. #72
    It is based on league rank as far as I can tell.

  3. #73
    click on squad, there just on the picture of the white hair guy called adam you should have an arrow of level up for the hero itself (if you dont, you may require to reach a certain might power on your army to do so, simply click on the white hair guy to know how much your army, the 8 cards your using in your main battle deck, need to have to reach next level of him).

  4. #74
    Viridel Guest

    Not a bad game, but... Flaws. Big flaws.

    First off, it's Pay-to-Win BIG time... The competitive balance between players willing to drop Hundreds vs even a casual-pay player is staggering. If this is a game you want to be an Elite, be prepared to drop a thousand bucks and that's just the start. If you don't want to pay, I won't say 'forget it'... But you will spend days/weeks/months/years grinding, and honestly not get anywhere. the key is that the top ranking cards have to be 'unlocked'. AND each unlocks at a certain level. You can pay for that key (of course), which is honestly the only viable way to get it without a borderline impossible amount of luck.

    What is killing this game for me right now (and I have put in about $60, so it's not like I have nothing invested) is the Christmas Pack. The Ice Golem is fair - freeze on hit, freeze row on deploy - highly logical and reasonably powered.

    Then you get to the other two:
    Santa - when deployed, turns a random opponent into a 0/7 'wall'... Power, irrelevant. Lane, irrelevant. Column, irrelevant. One of your troops is essentially vaporized. There is no defense.

    And the absolute game killer:
    Drow - If you hit the warlord, a RANDOM character dies from your side. So you've done a beautiful archer-spawn... Or a Mummy spawn... Something that takes time, patience, good guarding, etc... And you have a good 8-10 troops on your side. Oh wait - Drow gets deployed on the bottom row, and EVERY... SINGLE... Warlord hit vaporizes one of your guys........ Randomly.

    There is NO justification for a card this powerful, that takes zero skill to utilize... "they have more troops than me, so I'll just let them hit my warlord, and their army will disappear." Wow. With that card in the deck, the game is a joke, and with that, I won't be spending another cent on the game, and I'm one foot and 4 toes out the door completely.

  5. #75

    Join Date
    May 2016
    So limited time content cards being very powerful (behind a pay wall I assume from the Christmas pack title) and destroying the strategic element

    Was tempted to look, and given the huge P2W flags being raised - I'm out before I begin

  6. #76
    honestly, i kinda advice you to still take a look into it, the considerations of Viridel are true but as he even mention, it's a debate on the "aiming to be elite" matter.
    (i hate the new drow legendary aswell ;P ), but before was the problem of the mummy dropped (you can counter a 1st round legendary drow with a blue drow so it's not like it's impossible to get rid of)

    Sure there are people dropping shitload of money into the game, and those will have a huge edge above you, still doesnt mean you wont get legendary cards or enjoy the game (that again, is better then any nutaku current game let's be honest)....

    Of course if you are looking for a game where competition is the number one factor, that require no money involvement to reach top rank, and so on....... i would kinda avoid all browser games whatsoever.

    If your are looking for an enjoyable game that give you fun and it can still be played with no money or with the option to give you a good boost with a 1$ or 5 bucks
    pack then go for it.

  7. #77
    Brasileiro Guest

    cuntwars discord server

    Hi everybody,

    I searched and couldn't find a discord server for cuntwars so I created on. Here is the link:

    discord.gg/RakEtq8 (Add "https://" to the beging)

    I noticed that you are talking about cuntwars as if it was a nutaku game but I couldn't find it there. Does it have another name on nutaku?

  8. #78
    It is not a nutaku game. Can find it on hooligapps.

  9. #79
    Viridel Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Kijar View Post
    ...(i hate the new drow legendary aswell ;P ), but before was the problem of the mummy dropped (you can counter a 1st round legendary drow with a blue drow so it's not like it's impossible to get rid of)
    I have the Mummy, and yes, it is a great card... But it's relatively easy to defeat (I almost never get defeated by Mummy armies). Its entry point is 17HP, which is the 1st level spell if you're at a decent level (7HP) and Bastet (10HP) - so you can toast it with indirect damage... Or just straight up with a strong Naga if it's protected, etc, etc. Not to mention that the sub-mummies it spawns are easily killed off by splash or pierce damage.

    The problem with the Drow is the random-death factor. Drow gets played on the bottom row, and the attacks always happen from the top to the bottom... So if you have a few free hits on the warlord (which is exactly the point of the game), chances are pretty good that the specific unit you deployed to defeat the Drow will be vaporized before it even gets a chance to attack.

    The Mummy is a game-CHANGING unit... The Drow is a game-BREAKING unit. It was a cash-grab play by the developers without consideration for the longer-term damage it would do on the game.

  10. #80

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Hello all
    I've been playing our friends game for +/- 1month and I find it quite interesting.
    I agree with most flaws detected and detailled by you all in previous posts, but all in all the game has fun mechanics.
    Too random for now, but they're improving the game and if you focus enough on your tactical choices (and if you're lucky enough and if you pay some, fine ) you can beat the game.
    I've spent 50$, I play 3X20min sessions a day, and I'm league 15/14... dunno how decent that is .

    For fun (and testing ) I'd like to get more friends, exchange gifts and maybe enter a cool league... my nickname is "Rosso" and my id OHLIOF

    See you in the game... and merry XXX-mass to all

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