Quote Originally Posted by qwert View Post
Not only that but you also can't buy cheap card packs anymore. I saved up 120k gold to buy 200 packs for 600g each but one day before I reached my goal they fixed it ; (. I really don't know how to progress anymore now without cheap packs, league chests and league boosted chests. Wanted to buy mass packs to rush a 16/16 or atleast 16/11 Naga and to have some material for evolving. Now I got mass gold without any use. 3,5k gold per Pack is no option.

We need atleast some way back to get epic chests! A reasonable gold price per card pack wouldn't be too bad either but I would be totaly fine as long as we get some kind of mechanic back that allows realistic chances for daily epic chests. On the other hand normal chests even if not stated can drop around 2 epics now sometimes, which obviously is not enough to progress anyhow.
damn didn't notice but card pack prices don't drop with league anymore either?
a good game developer should pay attention to what its player base is saying, and hopefully they'll either rollback the changes they made this week or introduce a new way to win epic chests!!!