Quote Originally Posted by Yamemai View Post
I'm not complaining about the time it takes to level nymphs, but that in order to really progress you need to use Super Nymphs, just costs premium currency. I don't get where you thought this, as I opened with:

Even then, sometimes when I go back to the game, I don't receive my idle gains; it happened around twice, out of the 3~4ish times I checked yesterday, each time around 1~3h apart from each other. -- I even saved, waiting for the heart at the bottom right to disappear, before closing the tab/browser.
You got at least one heart to unlock the first super nymph in the tutorial, didn't you? They're also available as random drops and achievement rewards. My achievements list says that I've gotten 9 hearts so far. So yes, it's slow getting started with just one super nymph, but you get a second pretty quickly. I've gotten a third and the game just released yesterday. And that's without paying any money for the game.